Package gromacs :: Module formats :: Class XVG
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Class XVG

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         object --+    
utilities.FileUtils --+

Class that represents the numerical data in a grace xvg file.

All data must be numerical. :const:`NAN` and :const:`INF` values are
supported via python's :func:`float` builtin function.

The :attr:`~XVG.array` attribute can be used to access the the
array once it has been read and parsed. The :attr:``
attribute is a numpy masked array (good for plotting).

Conceptually, the file on disk and the XVG instance are considered the same
data. Whenever the filename for I/O (:meth:`` and :meth:`XVG.write`) is
changed then the filename associated with the instance is also changed to reflect
the association between file and instance.

With the *permissive* = ``True`` flag one can instruct the file reader to skip
unparseable lines. In this case the line numbers of the skipped lines are stored
in :attr:`XVG.corrupted_lineno`.

A number of attributes are defined to give quick access to simple statistics such as 

 - :attr:`~XVG.mean`: mean of all data columns
 - :attr:`~XVG.std`: standard deviation
 - :attr:`~XVG.min`: minimum of data 
 - :attr:`~XVG.max`: maximum of data 
 - :attr:`~XVG.error`: error on the mean, taking correlation times into
   account (see also :meth:`XVG.set_correlparameters`)
 - :attr:``: correlation time of the data (assuming a simple
   exponential decay of the fluctuations around the mean)

These attributes are numpy arrays that correspond to the data columns,
i.e. :attr:`XVG.array`[1:].

.. Note:: - Only simple XY or NXY files are currently supported, *not*
            Grace files that contain multiple data sets separated by '&'.
          - Any kind of formatting (i.e. :program:`xmgrace` commands) is discarded.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, filename=None, names=None, permissive=False, **kwargs)
Initialize the class from a xvg file.
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read(self, filename=None)
Read and parse xvg file filename.
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write(self, filename=None)
Write array to xvg file filename in NXY format.
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_tcorrel(self, nstep=100, **kwargs)
Correlation "time" of data.
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set_correlparameters(self, **kwargs)
Set and change the parameters for calculations involving correlation functions.
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_correlprop(self, key, **kwargs) source code
Read and cache the file as a numpy array.
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set(self, a)
Set the array data from a (i.e.
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plot(self, **kwargs)
Plot xvg file data.
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errorbar(self, **kwargs)
Quick hack: errorbar plot.
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custom pickling protocol:
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__setstate__(self, d) source code

Inherited from utilities.FileUtils: __repr__, check_file_exists, filename, infix_filename

Inherited from utilities.FileUtils (private): _init_filename

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __str__

Class Variables [hide private]
  default_extension = 'xvg'
Default extension of XVG files.
  logger = logging.getLogger('gromacs.formats.XVG')
  __pickle_excluded = {'__array': None}
If :attr:`XVG.savedata` is ``False`` then any attributes in :attr:`XVG.__pickle_excluded` are *not* pickled as they are but simply pickled with the default value.
Instance Variables [hide private]

Inherited from utilities.FileUtils: real_filename

Properties [hide private]
Represent xvg data as a (cached) numpy array.
Represent data as a masked array.
Mean value of all data columns.
Standard deviation from the mean of all data columns.
Minimum of the data columns.
Maximum of the data columns.
Error on the mean of the data, taking the correlation time into account.
Correlation time of the data.

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, filename=None, names=None, permissive=False, **kwargs)

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Initialize the class from a xvg file.

            is the xvg file; it can only be of type XY or
            NXY. If it is supplied then it is read and parsed
            when :attr:`XVG.array` is accessed.
            optional labels for the columns (currently only
            written as comments to file); string with columns
            separated by commas or a list of strings
            ``False`` raises a :exc:`ValueError` and logs and errior 
            when encountering data lines that it cannot parse.
            ``True`` ignores those lines and logs a warning---this is
            a risk because it might read a corrupted input file [``False``]
            ``True`` includes the data (:attr:`XVG.array`` and
            associated caches) when the instance is pickled (see
            :mod:`pickle`); this is oftens not desirable because the
            data are already on disk (the xvg file *filename*) and the
            resulting pickle file can become very big. ``False`` omits
            those data from a pickle. [``False``]

Overrides: object.__init__

write(self, filename=None)

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Write array to xvg file filename in NXY format.


Only plain files working at the moment, not compressed.

_tcorrel(self, nstep=100, **kwargs)

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Correlation "time" of data.

The 0-th column of the data is interpreted as a time and the decay of the data is computed from the autocorrelation function (using FFT).

set_correlparameters(self, **kwargs)

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Set and change the parameters for calculations involving correlation functions.

       only process every *nstep* data point to speed up the FFT; if
       left empty a default is chosen that produces roughly 25,000 data
       points (or whatever is set in *ncorrel*)
       If no *nstep* is supplied, aim at using *ncorrel* data points for
       the FFT; sets :attr:`XVG.ncorrel`.
       force recalculating correlation data even if cached values are
       see :func:`numkit.timeseries.tcorrel` for other options

.. SeeAlso: :attr:`XVG.error` for details and references.


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Read and cache the file as a numpy array.

The array is returned with column-first indexing, i.e. for a data file with columns X Y1 Y2 Y3 ... the array a will be a[0] = X, a[1] = Y1, ... .

set(self, a)

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Set the array data from a (i.e. completely replace).

No sanity checks at the moment...

plot(self, **kwargs)

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Plot xvg file data.

The first column of the data is always taken as the abscissa
X. Additional columns are plotted as ordinates Y1, Y2, ...

In the special case that there is only a single column then this column
is plotted against the index, i.e. (N, Y).

  *columns* : list
       Select the columns of the data to be plotted; the list
       is used as a numpy.array extended slice. The default is
       to use all columns. Columns are selected *after* a transform.
  *transform* : function
       function ``transform(array) -> array`` which transforms
       the original array; must return a 2D numpy array of
       shape [X, Y1, Y2, ...] where X, Y1, ... are column
       vectors.  By default the transformation is the
       identity [``lambda x: x``].
  *maxpoints* : int
       limit the total number of data points; matplotlib has issues processing
       png files with >100,000 points and pdfs take forever to display. Set to
       ``None`` if really all data should be displayed. At the moment we simply
       subsample the data at regular intervals. [10000]
       All other keyword arguments are passed on to :func:`pylab.plot`.

errorbar(self, **kwargs)

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Quick hack: errorbar plot.

Set columns to select [x, y, dy].


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custom pickling protocol:

If :attr:`XVG.savedata` is ``False`` then any attributes in
:attr:`XVG.__pickle_excluded` are *not* pickled as they are but simply
pickled with the default value.

Property Details [hide private]


Represent xvg data as a (cached) numpy array.

The array is returned with column-first indexing, i.e. for a data file with columns X Y1 Y2 Y3 ... the array a will be a[0] = X, a[1] = Y1, ... .

Get Method:
unreachable.array(self) - Represent xvg data as a (cached) numpy array.


Represent data as a masked array.

The array is returned with column-first indexing, i.e. for a data file with
columns X Y1 Y2 Y3 ... the array a will be a[0] = X, a[1] = Y1, ... .

inf and nan are filtered via :func:`numpy.isfinite`.

Get Method: - Represent data as a masked array.


Mean value of all data columns.
Get Method:
unreachable.mean(self) - Mean value of all data columns.


Standard deviation from the mean of all data columns.
Get Method:
unreachable.std(self) - Standard deviation from the mean of all data columns.


Minimum of the data columns.
Get Method:
unreachable.min(self) - Minimum of the data columns.


Maximum of the data columns.
Get Method:
unreachable.max(self) - Maximum of the data columns.


Error on the mean of the data, taking the correlation time into account.

See Frenkel and Smit, Academic Press, San Diego 2002, p526:

error = sqrt(2*tc*acf[0]/T)

where acf() is the autocorrelation function of the fluctuations around the mean, y-<y>, tc is the correlation time, and T the total length of the simulation.

Get Method:
unreachable.error(self) - Error on the mean of the data, taking the correlation time into account.


Correlation time of the data.

See :meth:`XVG.error` for details.

Get Method: - Correlation time of the data.