Secondary transporters couple the free energy stored in an ionic gradient to the movement of solutes across the cell membrane. The coupling enables these transmembrane proteins to transport small molecules against their own concentration gradients. The transporters function by cycling between different conformational states in which access to the central binding site is switched from the extracellular solution to the intracellular compartment. This abstract alternating access model was proposed by Oleg Jardetzky in 1966 (Nature 211 (1966), 969–970) but its structural basis was not established for any transporter family.
According to the model, a cation-substrate symporter would go through a cycle of a number of distinct conformations:
We studied the hydantoin permease from Microbacterium liquefaciens, a sodium-coupled nucleobase symporter and a member of the NCS1 family. Mhp1 shares the same general architecture with other transporters such as the sodium-amino acid transporter LeuTaa (which is a bacterial homolog of the important mammalian neurotransmitter:sodium symporter (NSS) family). Weyand et al. solved the two outward-facing conformations of Mhp1 in 2008. In 2010 we determined the inward facing conformation (Shimamura et al (2010)) and carried out computer simulations of Mhp1 in all three conformations. Using a novel simulation method (dynamic importance sampling) we were also able to simulate the conformational transition itself.
Based on the combination of structural data and simulations (movie in MPEG4 format) we could identify the moving elements of the transport mechanism and propose a sequence of events that leads to solute transport as shown in the animated cartoon.
Our hypothetical model for secondary transport in Mhp1 contains the
following steps and describes the transporter as a triple-gated
By utilizing a system of (synchronized) gates, the protein appears to prevent the formation of a continuous conduction pathway, which would lead to uncoupled leakage of Na+ into the cell or loss of substrate out of the cell. In other words, our model describes in molecular detail a transport process that has the properties required by the alternating access mechanism.
For more details see the paper Shimamura et al. (2010).