get1LetterCode() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns the 1 letter code of residue type
get1LetterCode() - Method in class jgromacs.db.ResidueType
Returns 1 letter code of residue type
get3LetterCode() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns the 3 letter code of residue type
get3LetterCode() - Method in class jgromacs.db.ResidueType
Returns 3 letter code of residue type
getAllAtomCoordinates() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns the coordinates of all atoms
getAllAtomCoordinates() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns the coordinates of all atoms
getAlphaCarbon() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns the alpha carbon atom if any (otherwise returns null)
getAlphaCarbonCoordinates() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns the position of alpha-carbon atom
getAlphaCarbonIndexSet() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns the index set of alpha carbon atoms
getAngleBetweenPlanes(Point3D, Point3D, Point3D, Point3D) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Angles
Calculates the angle between two planes defined by points A, B, C and points B, C, D
getAngleBetweenVectors(Point3D, Point3D) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Angles
Calculates the angle between two vectors
getAnnotation() - Method in class jgromacs.data.SequencePosition
Returns the annotation of sequence position
getAnnotationOfPosition(int) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Sequence
Returns the annotation of sequence position #i
getAnnotationOfPositionOfIndex(int) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Sequence
Returns the annotation of sequence position of given index
getAsAnArrayList() - Method in class jgromacs.data.IndexSetList
Returns index set list as an ArrayList object
getAsArrayList() - Method in class jgromacs.data.FrameIndexSet
Returns frame index set as an ArrayList
getAsArrayList() - Method in class jgromacs.data.IndexSet
Returns index set as an ArrayList
getAsArrayList() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Sequence
Returns sequence as an ArrayList object
getAsMatrix() - Method in class jgromacs.data.PointList
Returns point coordinates in a 3xN matrix
getAsTreeSet() - Method in class jgromacs.data.FrameIndexSet
Returns frame index set as a TreeSet
getAsTreeSet() - Method in class jgromacs.data.IndexSet
Returns index set as a TreeSet
getAtom(int) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns atom #i of the residue
getAtom(int) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns atom #i of the structure
getAtomByIndex(int) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns the atom of given index
getAtomByIndex(int) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns the atom of given index
getAtomByName(String) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns the atom of name
getAtomicCorrelationMatrix(Trajectory, PointList) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the NxN atomic correlation matrix from a trajectory and a reference frame for superposition
getAtomicCorrelationMatrix(Trajectory) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the NxN atomic correlation matrix from a trajectory using its first frame as the reference frame for superposition
getAtomicCovarianceMatrix(Trajectory, PointList) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the NxN atomic covariance matrix from a trajectory and a reference frame for superposition
getAtomicCovarianceMatrix(Trajectory) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the NxN atomic covariance matrix from a trajectory using its first frame as the reference frame for superposition
getAtomicDistanceMatrix(Structure) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Distances
Calculates the distance matrix of all atoms in a structure
getAtomicDistanceMatrix(Structure, IndexSet) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Distances
Calculates the distance matrix of atoms of given indices in a structure
getAtomicDistanceMatrix(Structure, IndexSet, IndexSet) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Distances
Calculates the distance matrix between two sets of atoms
getAtomIndices() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns the index set of all atoms
getAtomIndicesInRadius(Structure, Point3D, double) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Distances
Returns the index set of atoms in a structure that are closer to a reference point than a given radius
getAtomIndicesInRadius(Structure, Atom, double) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Distances
Returns the index set of atoms in a structure that are closer to a reference atom than a given radius
getAtomIndicesInRadius(Structure, IndexSet, double) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Distances
Returns the index set of atoms in a structure that are closer to a reference set of atoms than a given radius
getAtomIndicesInRadius(Structure, IndexSet, IndexSet, double) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Distances
Returns the index set of atoms from a set of atoms that are closer to a reference set than a given radius
getAtomInResidueOfIndex(int, String, int) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns atom #i of the residue of given index and chain ID
getAtomInResidueOfIndex(int, int) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns atom #i of the residue of given index
getAtomsAsArrayList() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns the list of atoms as an ArrayList object
getAtomType() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Atom
Returns the type of atom
getBackBoneAtomIndices() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns the index set of backbone atoms
getBackboneIndexSet() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns the index set of backbone atoms
getBetaCarbon() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns the beta carbon atom if any (otherwise returns null)
getBvalue() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Atom
Returns the B-value of atom
getCarbonylOxygen() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns the carbonyl oxygen atom of amino acid
getCentroid() - Method in class jgromacs.data.PointList
Returns the centroid of points
getChainID() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns the chain ID of residue
getChainIDs() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns the list of chain IDs in the structure
getChains() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns all chains in an array of Structure objects
getCode() - Method in class jgromacs.db.AtomType
Returns the code of atom type
getCollapsedAlignment() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Alignment
Returns the collapsed alignment in which only the match columns are included (i.e.
getCombinedCode() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns residue index and the 3 letter code of residue type
getConsensusSequence() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Alignment
Returns the (majority) consensus sequence of the alignment
getContactMatrix(PointList, double) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Distances
Calculates the contact matrix from a point list
getContactMatrix(Structure, int, double) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Distances
Calculates the contact matrix of residues in a structure by the given method
getContactMatrix() - Method in class jgromacs.analysis.GNM
Returns the contact matrix
getContactOfMeanMatrix(Trajectory, int, double) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Distances
Calculates the contact matrix based on the mean residue distance matrix in a trajectory
getContactProbabilityMap(Trajectory, double) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the (residue) contact probability map for a trajectory as defined by Wei et al, 2009 (Residual Structure in Islet Amyloid Polypeptide Mediates Its Interactions with Soluble Insulin, Biochemistry)
getCoordinateCorrelationMatrix(Trajectory, PointList) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the 3Nx3N coordinate correlation matrix from a trajectory and a reference frame for superposition
getCoordinateCorrelationMatrix(Trajectory) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the 3Nx3N coordinate correlation matrix from a trajectory using its first frame as the reference frame for superposition
getCoordinateCovarianceMatrix(Trajectory, PointList) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the 3Nx3N coordinate covariance matrix from a trajectory and a reference frame for superposition
getCoordinateCovarianceMatrix(Trajectory) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the 3Nx3N coordinate covariance matrix from a trajectory using its first frame as the reference frame for superposition
getCoordinates() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Atom
Returns the coordinates of atom
getCovarianceMatrixOverlap(Matrix, Matrix, int) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the covariance overlap of two covariance matrices
getCovarianceMatrixOverlap(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the covariance overlap of two covariance matrices
getCovarianceMatrixOverlap(Trajectory, Trajectory, int) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the covariance overlap from two trajectories
getCovarianceMatrixOverlap(Trajectory, Trajectory) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the covariance overlap from two trajectories
getCTerminalCarbon() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns the C-terminal carbon atom of amino acid
getCumulativeVariances(Trajectory) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the cumulative variance profile from a trajectory
getCumulativeVariances(Matrix) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the cumulative variance profile from a covariance matrix
getDefaultIndexSetList() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns the list of default index sets
getDeltaCarbon() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns the delta carbon atom if any (otherwise returns null)
getDifferenceDistanceMatrix(PointList, PointList) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates the difference distance matrix between two point lists
getDifferenceDistanceMatrix(Structure, Structure) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates the atomic difference distance matrix between two structures
getDifferenceDistanceMatrix(Structure, IndexSet, Structure, IndexSet) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates the atomic difference distance matrix between two sets of atoms defined by two index sets in two structures
getDihedralChi1(Structure, int) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Angles
Calculates side chain dihedral angle Chi1 of residue #i of a structure The residue can be ARG,ASN,ASP,CYS,GLN,GLU,HIS,ILE,LEU,LYS,MET,PHE,PRO,SER,THR,TRP,TYR or VAL
getDihedralChi1TimeSeries(Trajectory, int) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Angles
Calculates the time series of dihedral angle Chi1 of residue #i over a trajectory The residue can be ARG,ASN,ASP,CYS,GLN,GLU,HIS,ILE,LEU,LYS,MET,PHE,PRO,SER,THR,TRP,TYR or VAL
getDihedralChi2(Structure, int) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Angles
Calculates side chain dihedral angle Chi2 of residue #i of a structure The residue can only be ARG,ASN,ASP,GLN,GLU,HIS,ILE,LEU,LYS,MET,PHE,PRO,TRP or TYR
getDihedralChi2TimeSeries(Trajectory, int) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Angles
Calculates the time series of dihedral angle Chi2 of residue #i over a trajectory The residue can only be ARG,ASN,ASP,GLN,GLU,HIS,ILE,LEU,LYS,MET,PHE,PRO,TRP or TYR
getDihedralChi3(Structure, int) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Angles
Calculates side chain dihedral angle Chi3 of residue #i of a structure The residue can only be ARG,GLN,GLU,LYS or MET
getDihedralChi3TimeSeries(Trajectory, int) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Angles
Calculates the time series of dihedral angle Chi3 of residue #i over a trajectory The residue can only be ARG,GLN,GLU,LYS or MET
getDihedralChi4(Structure, int) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Angles
Calculates side chain dihedral angle Chi4 of residue #i of a structure The residue can only be ARG or LYS
getDihedralChi4TimeSeries(Trajectory, int) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Angles
Calculates the time series of dihedral angle Chi4 of residue #i over a trajectory The residue can only be ARG or LYS
getDihedralChi5(Structure, int) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Angles
Calculates side chain dihedral angle Chi5 of residue #i of a structure The residue can only be ARG
getDihedralChi5TimeSeries(Trajectory, int) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Angles
Calculates the time series of dihedral angle Chi5 of residue #i over a trajectory The residue can only be ARG
getDihedralOmega(Structure, int) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Angles
Calculates dihedral angle Omega of residue #i of a structure
getDihedralOmegaTimeSeries(Trajectory, int) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Angles
Calculates the time series of dihedral angle Omega of residue #i over a trajectory
getDihedralPhi(Structure, int) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Angles
Calculates dihedral angle Phi of residue #i of a structure
getDihedralPhiTimeSeries(Trajectory, int) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Angles
Calculates the time series of dihedral angle Phi of residue #i over a trajectory
getDihedralPsi(Structure, int) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Angles
Calculates dihedral angle Psi of residue #i of a structure
getDihedralPsiTimeSeries(Trajectory, int) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Angles
Calculates the time series of dihedral angle Psi of residue #i over a trajectory
getDistanceMatrix(PointList) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Distances
Calculates the distance matrix from a point list
getDistanceOfAtomToAtomSet(Structure, int, IndexSet) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Distances
Calculates the distance of an atom to a reference set of atoms (i.e.
getDistanceOfTwoAtomSets(Structure, IndexSet, IndexSet) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Distances
Calculates the distance between two sets of atoms (i.e.
getDistanceRange(Trajectory, int, int) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Distances
Returns the range (max-min) of the distance of two atoms in a trajectory
getDistanceTimeSeries(Trajectory, int, int) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Distances
Returns the time series of the distance of two atoms in a trajectory
getDistanceTimeSeries(Trajectory, int, IndexSet) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Distances
Returns the time series of the distance of a single atom and a set of atoms in a trajectory
getDistanceTimeSeries(Trajectory, IndexSet, IndexSet) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Distances
Returns the time series of the distance of two sets of atoms in a trajectory
getDRMSD(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates dRMSD similarity between two distance matrices
getDRMSD(PointList, PointList) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates dRMSD similarity between two point lists
getDRMSD(Structure, Structure) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates dRMSD similarity between two structures
getDRMSD(Structure, IndexSet, Structure, IndexSet) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates dRMSD similarity between two groups of atoms
getDRMSDiProfile(Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates the dRMSDi profile between two distance matrices
getDRMSDiProfile(PointList, PointList) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates the dRMSDi profile between two point lists
getDRMSDiProfile(Structure, Structure) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates the dRMSDi profile between two structures
getDRMSDiProfile(Structure, IndexSet, Structure, IndexSet) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates the dRMSDi profile between two groups of atoms
getDynamicalNetwork(Trajectory, double, double) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the dynamical network of a protein according to the definition of Sethi et al.
getEigenvectorMatrix() - Method in class jgromacs.analysis.GNM
Returns the orthogonal matrix of eigenvectors (U)
getEnsembleAveragedRMSD(Trajectory, Trajectory) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the ensemble averaged RMSD between two conformational ensembles sampled in two trajectories as defined by Brüschweiler, 2002 (Efficient RMSD measures for the comparison of two molecular ensembles, Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics)
getEpsilonCarbon() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns the epsilon carbon atom if any (otherwise returns null)
getFirstFrameAsPointList() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Trajectory
Returns the initial frame of trajectory as a PointList
getFirstFrameAsStructure() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Trajectory
Returns the initial frame of trajectory as a Structure
getFluctuationMatrix(Trajectory) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the F fluctuation matrix (variances of distances) from a trajectory
getFluctuationMatrix(Trajectory, IndexSet) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the F fluctuation matrix (variances of distances) for a group of atoms
getFluctuationOfSubsets(Trajectory, IndexSet, IndexSet) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the fluctuation between two subsets of atoms defined as the mean of entries of the selected submatrix of matrix F (fluctuation matrix)
getFrameAsPointList(int) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Trajectory
Returns frame #i of the trajectory as a PointList object
getFrameAsStructure(int) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Trajectory
Returns frame #i of the trajectory as a Structure object
getFrames() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Trajectory
Returns frames of the trajectory as an ArrayList object
getFramesWhereAtomIsCloseToPoint(Trajectory, int, Point3D, double) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Distances
Returns the list of frames in the trajectory where an atoms is closer to a reference point than a given cutoff
getFramesWhereAtomIsDistantFromPoint(Trajectory, int, Point3D, double) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Distances
Returns the list of frames in the trajectory where an atoms is more distant from a reference point than a given cutoff
getFramesWhereAtomsAreClose(Trajectory, int, int, double) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Distances
Returns the list of frames in a trajectory where two atoms are closer to each other than the given cutoff
getFramesWhereAtomsAreDistant(Trajectory, int, int, double) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Distances
Returns the list of frames in a trajectory where two atoms are more distant from each other than the given cutoff
getFrequencyContactMatrix(Trajectory, int, double, double) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Distances
Calculates the contact matrix of residues where two residues are said to be in contact if they are in contact in at least the given percentage of frames of the trajectory
getFullName() - Method in class jgromacs.db.AtomType
Returns the full name of atom type
getFullName() - Method in class jgromacs.db.ResidueType
Returns full name of residue type
getGammaCarbon() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns the gamma carbon atom if any (otherwise returns null)
getHeavyAtomIndices() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns the index set of heavy atoms
getHeavyProteinIndexSet() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns the index set of protein atoms except of hydrogen atoms
getHydrogenAtomIndices() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns the index set of hydrogen atoms
getInDegrees() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Angle
Returns the value of angle in degrees
getIndex() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Atom
Returns the index of atom
getIndex() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns the index of residue
getIndex() - Method in class jgromacs.data.SequencePosition
Returns the index of sequence position
getIndexOfPosition(int) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Sequence
Returns the index of sequence position #i
getIndexSet(int) - Method in class jgromacs.data.IndexSetList
Returns the index set of given index
getIndexSet(String) - Method in class jgromacs.data.IndexSetList
Returns the index set of given name
getIndexSetOfChainID(String) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns the index set of atoms of a given chain ID
getInRadians() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Angle
Returns the value of angle in radians
getKirchhoffMatrix() - Method in class jgromacs.analysis.GNM
Returns the Kirchhoff matrix
getLambdaMatrix() - Method in class jgromacs.analysis.GNM
Returns the diagonal matrix of eigenvalues (Lambda)
getLastFrameAsPointList() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Trajectory
Returns the last frame of trajectory as a PointList
getLastFrameAsStructure() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Trajectory
Returns the last frame of trajectory as a Structure
getMainChainAtomIndices() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns the index set of main chain atoms
getMainChainIndexSet() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns the index set of main chain atoms
getMainChainPlusCbAtomIndices() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns the index set of main chain atoms and beta carbon atom
getMainChainPlusCbIndexSet() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns the index set of main chain plus beta carbon atoms
getMainChainPlusHAtomIndices() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns the index set of main chain atoms and hydrogen atoms
getMainChainPlusHIndexSet() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns the index set of main chain plus hydrogen atoms
getMatchPositionIndexSets() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Alignment
Returns the list of match position index sets (i.e.
getMatchPositionIndices(int) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Alignment
Returns the set of position indices in sequence #i that are included in the match columns of alignment
getMatchPositionIndicesAsArrayList(int) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Alignment
Returns the list of match position indices in sequence #i as an ArrayList object
getMaximalDistance(Trajectory, int, int) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Distances
Returns the maximal distance of two atoms in a trajectory
getMaxSequenceLength() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Alignment
Returns the length of the longest sequence in the alignment
getMeanAtomicDistanceMatrix(Trajectory) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Distances
Calculates the mean distance matrix of all atoms in a trajectory
getMeanAtomicDistanceMatrix(Trajectory, IndexSet) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Distances
Calculates the mean distance matrix of atoms of given indices in a trajectory
getMeanDistance(Trajectory, int, int) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Distances
Returns the mean of the distance of two atoms in a trajectory
getMeanFrame() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Trajectory
Returns the mean frame of trajectory
getMeanResidueDistanceMatrix(Trajectory, int) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Distances
Calculates the mean distance matrix of residues in a trajectory by the given method
getMedoidDRMSD(Trajectory) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates the medoid frame of a trajectory using the dRMSD measure
getMedoidRMSD(Trajectory) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates the medoid frame of a trajectory using the RMSD measure
getMinimalDistance(Trajectory, int, int) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Distances
Returns the minimal distance of two atoms in a trajectory
getMinSequenceLength() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Alignment
Returns the length of the shortest sequence in the alignment
getMostFrequentResidueType(int) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Alignment
Returns the most frequent residue type in column #i of the alignment
getMSFProfile() - Method in class jgromacs.analysis.GNM
Calculates the mean square fluctuation (MSF) profile
getName() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Atom
Returns the name of atom
getName() - Method in class jgromacs.data.FrameIndexSet
Returns the name of frame index set
getName() - Method in class jgromacs.data.IndexSet
Returns the name of index set
getName() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns the name of residue
getName() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Sequence
Returns the name of sequence
getName() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns the name of structure
getName() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Trajectory
Returns the name of trajectory
getNonProteinIndexSet() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns the index set of non-protein atoms
getNTerminalNitrogen() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns the N-terminal nitrogen atom of amino acid
getNumberOfAtoms() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns the number of atoms in the residue
getNumberOfAtoms() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns the number of atoms in the structure
getNumberOfAtoms() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Trajectory
Returns the number of atoms in the trajectory
getNumberOfAtomsInIndexSet(int) - Method in class jgromacs.data.IndexSetList
Returns the number of atoms in the index set of given index
getNumberOfAtomsInIndexSet(String) - Method in class jgromacs.data.IndexSetList
Returns the number of atoms in the index set of given name
getNumberOfChains() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns the number of chains in the structure
getNumberOfFrames() - Method in class jgromacs.data.FrameIndexSet
Returns the number of frames in this frame index set
getNumberOfFrames() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Trajectory
Returns the number of frames in the trajectory
getNumberOfIndexSets() - Method in class jgromacs.data.IndexSetList
Returns the number of index sets in the list
getNumberOfIndices() - Method in class jgromacs.data.IndexSet
Returns the number of indices in this index set
getNumberOfPoints() - Method in class jgromacs.data.PointList
Returns the number of points in the list
getNumberOfResidues() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns the number of residues in the structure
getNumberOfResidues() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Trajectory
Returns the number of residues in the trajectory
getNumberOfSequences() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Alignment
Returns the number of sequences in the alignment
getOccupancy() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Atom
Returns the occupancy of atom
getPCA(Matrix) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the principal components and the corresponding eigenvalues from a covariance matrix
getPCA(Trajectory) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the principal components and the corresponding eigenvalues from a trajectory
getPoint(int) - Method in class jgromacs.data.PointList
Returns the point of index i
getPointsAsArrayList() - Method in class jgromacs.data.PointList
Returns points in an ArrayList
getPosition(int) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Sequence
Returns sequence position #i
getPositionByIndex(int) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Sequence
Returns sequence position of given index
getProteinIndexSet() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns the index set of protein atoms
getRamachandranPlot(Structure) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Angles
Calculates the Ramachandran Plot of a structure
getResidue(int) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns residue #i of the structure
getResidueByIndex(int, String) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns the residue of given index and given chain ID
getResidueByIndex(int) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns the residue of given index
getResidueDistanceMatrix(Structure, int) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Distances
Calculates the distance matrix of residues in a structure by the given method
getResiduesAsArrayList() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns residues as an ArrayList object
getResidueType() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns the type of residue
getResidueType() - Method in class jgromacs.data.SequencePosition
Returns the residue type of sequence position
getResidueTypeOfPosition(int) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Sequence
Returns the residue type of sequence position #i
getResidueTypeOfPositionOfIndex(int) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Sequence
Returns the residue type of sequence position of given index
getReverse() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Sequence
Returns the reverse sequence
getRMSD(PointList, PointList) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates RMSD similarity between two point lists
getRMSD(Structure, Structure) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates RMSD similarity between two structures
getRMSD(Structure, IndexSet, Structure, IndexSet) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates RMSD similarity between two groups of atoms
getRMSDiProfile(PointList, PointList) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates the RMSDi profile between two point lists
getRMSDiProfile(Structure, Structure) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates the RMSDi profile between two structures
getRMSDiProfile(Structure, IndexSet, Structure, IndexSet) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates the RMSDi profile between two groups of atoms
getRMSDiProfileNoSuperposition(PointList, PointList) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates the RMSDi profile between two point lists without superposition
getRMSDiProfileNoSuperposition(Structure, Structure) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates the RMSDi profile between two structures without superposition
getRMSDiProfileNoSuperposition(Structure, IndexSet, Structure, IndexSet) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates the RMSDi profile between two groups of atoms without superposition
getRMSDnoSuperposition(PointList, PointList) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates RMSD similarity between two point lists without doing superposition
getRMSDnoSuperposition(Structure, Structure) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates RMSD similarity between two structures without doing superposition
getRMSDnoSuperposition(Structure, IndexSet, Structure, IndexSet) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates RMSD similarity between two groups of atoms without superposition
getRMSFaroundTheMeanProfile(Trajectory, PointList) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the RMSF profile from a trajectory by superposing all frames to a reference frame R and calculating the RMSDi deviations with regards to the mean structure
getRMSFaroundTheMeanProfile(Trajectory, Structure) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the RMSF profile from a trajectory by superposing all frames to a reference frame R and calculating the RMSDi deviations with regards to the mean structure
getRMSFprofile(Trajectory, PointList) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the RMSF profile from a trajectory and a reference frame for superposition
getRMSFprofile(Trajectory, Structure) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the RMSF profile from a trajectory and a reference frame for superposition
getRMSFprofile(Trajectory, IndexSet, Structure, IndexSet) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the RMSF profile of a group of atoms from a trajectory and a reference frame for superposition
getRMSFprofile(Trajectory, PointList, PointList) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the RMSF profile from a trajectory by superposing all frames to a reference frame R and calculating the RMSDi deviations with regards to a reference frame Q
getRMSFprofile(Trajectory, Structure, Structure) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the RMSF profile from a trajectory by superposing all frames to a reference frame R and calculating the RMSDi deviations with regards to a reference frame Q
getRootMeanSquareInnerProduct(Matrix, Matrix, int, int) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the root mean square inner product (RMSIP) from two covariance matrices
getRootMeanSquareInnerProduct(Trajectory, Trajectory, int, int) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the root mean square inner product (RMSIP) from two trajectories
getSequence(int) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Alignment
Returns sequence #i of the alignment
getSequence() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns the amino acid sequence of the structure
getSequenceLength() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Sequence
Returns the length of sequence (gaps excluded)
getSequenceLengthWithGaps() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Sequence
Returns the length of sequence (gaps included)
getSequencesAsArrayList() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Alignment
Returns sequences of the alignment as an ArrayList object
getSideChainAtomIndices() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns the index set of side chain atoms
getSideChainIndexSet() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns the index set of side chain atoms
getSideChainMinusHAtomIndices() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns the index set of side chain atoms except of hydrogen atoms
getSideChainMinusHIndexSet() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns the index set of side chain atoms except of hydrogen atoms
getSimilarityMatrixDRMSD(Trajectory) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates the similarity matrix of all frames in a trajectory using the dRMSD measure
getSimilarityMatrixDRMSD(Trajectory, IndexSet) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates the similarity matrix of all frames in a trajectory using the dRMSD measure taking into account only a subset of atoms
getSimilarityMatrixRMSD(Trajectory) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates the similarity matrix of all frames in a trajectory using the RMSD measure
getSimilarityMatrixRMSD(Trajectory, IndexSet) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates the similarity matrix of all frames in a trajectory using the RMSD measure taking into account only a subset of atoms
getSimilarityMatrixWDRMSD(Trajectory, Matrix) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates the similarity matrix of all frames in a trajectory using the wdRMSD (weighted dRMSD) measure
getSimilarityMatrixWDRMSD(Trajectory, IndexSet, Matrix) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates the similarity matrix of all frames in a trajectory using the wdRMSD (weighted dRMSD) measure taking into account only a subset of atoms
getSimilarityTimeSeriesDRMSD(Trajectory, PointList) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Returns the time series of dRMSD in a trajectory with regards to a reference point list
getSimilarityTimeSeriesDRMSD(Trajectory, Structure) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Returns the time series of dRMSD in a trajectory with regards to a reference structure
getSimilarityTimeSeriesDRMSD(Trajectory, IndexSet, Structure, IndexSet) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Returns the time series of dRMSD in a trajectory with regards to a reference structure taking into account only a subset of atoms
getSimilarityTimeSeriesRMSD(Trajectory, PointList) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Returns the time series of RMSD in a trajectory with regards to a reference point list
getSimilarityTimeSeriesRMSD(Trajectory, Structure) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Returns the time series of RMSD in a trajectory with regards to a reference structure
getSimilarityTimeSeriesRMSD(Trajectory, IndexSet, Structure, IndexSet) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Returns the time series of RMSD in a trajectory with regards to a reference structure taking into account only a subset of atoms
getSimilarityTimeSeriesWDRMSD(Trajectory, PointList, Matrix) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Returns the time series of wdRMSD (weighted dRMSD) in a trajectory with regards to a reference point list
getSimilarityTimeSeriesWDRMSD(Trajectory, Structure, Matrix) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Returns the time series of wdRMSD (weighted dRMSD) in a trajectory with regards to a reference structure
getSimilarityTimeSeriesWDRMSD(Trajectory, IndexSet, Structure, IndexSet, Matrix) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Returns the time series of wdRMSD (weighted dRMSD) in a trajectory with regards to a reference structure taking into account only a subset of atoms
getStartTime() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Trajectory
Returns the start time of trajectory
getStructuralRadius(Trajectory) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Calculates the structural radius of the conformational ensemble sampled in the trajectory as defined by Kuzmanic and Zagrovic, 2010 (Determination of Ensemble-Average Pairwise Root Mean-Square Deviation from Experimental B-Factors, Biophysical Journal)
getSubList(ArrayList<Integer>) - Method in class jgromacs.data.PointList
Returns a subset of points defined by an ArrayList of indices
getSubSequence(int, int) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Sequence
Returns subsequence beginning at sequence position #begin and ending at sequence position #end
getSubSequenceFrom(int) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Sequence
Returns subsequence beginning at sequence position #begin
getSubSequenceTo(int) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Sequence
Returns subsequence ending at sequence position #end
getSubStructure(IndexSet) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns the substructure defined by the given index set
getSubTrajectory(int, int) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Trajectory
Returns the subtrajectory between the given start and end frames
getSubTrajectory(int, int, int) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Trajectory
Returns the subtrajectory between the given start and end frames using the given sampling frequency
getSubTrajectory(IndexSet) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Trajectory
Returns the subtrajectory defined by the given index set
getSubTrajectory(FrameIndexSet) - Method in class jgromacs.data.Trajectory
Returns the subtrajectory defined by the given frame list
getSystemIndexSet() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns the index set of all atoms in the system
getTimeStep() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Trajectory
Returns the time step of trajectory
getTorsionAngleTimeSeries(Trajectory, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Angles
Calculates the time series of torsion angle over a trajectory defined by four atoms
getTrajectoryOfAtom(Trajectory, int) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Dynamics
Returns the trajectory of a single atom in the course of the simulation
getVarianceOfDistance(Trajectory, int, int) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Distances
Returns the variance of the distance of two atoms in a trajectory
getWaterIndexSet() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Structure
Returns the index set of water atoms
getWDRMSD(PointList, PointList, Matrix) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates the wdRMSD (weighted dRMSD) similarity of two point lists
getWDRMSD(Structure, Structure, Matrix) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates the wdRMSD (weighted dRMSD) similarity of two structures
getWDRMSD(Structure, IndexSet, Structure, IndexSet, Matrix) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates wdRMSD (weighted dRMSD) similarity between two groups of atoms
getWDRMSDiProfile(PointList, PointList, Matrix) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates the wdRMSDi (weighted dRMSDi) profile between two point lists
getWDRMSDiProfile(Structure, Structure, Matrix) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates the wdRMSDi (weighted dRMSDi) profile between two structures
getWDRMSDiProfile(Structure, IndexSet, Structure, IndexSet, Matrix) - Static method in class jgromacs.analysis.Similarity
Calculates the wdRMSDi (weighted dRMSDi) profile between two groups of atoms
getX() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Point3D
Returns the X coordinate of point
getXCoordinate() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Atom
Returns the X coordinate of atom
getY() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Point3D
Returns the Y coordinate of point
getYCoordinate() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Atom
Returns the Y coordinate of atom
getZ() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Point3D
Returns the Z coordinate of point
getZCoordinate() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Atom
Returns the Z coordinate of atom
getZetaCarbon() - Method in class jgromacs.data.Residue
Returns the zeta carbon atom if any (otherwise returns null)
GNM - Class in jgromacs.analysis
Objects of this class represent a Gaussian Network Model (GNM) of a protein
GNM(Structure, double, int) - Constructor for class jgromacs.analysis.GNM
Constructs a new Gaussian Network Model