Package gromacs :: Package analysis :: Package plugins :: Module trajectories
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Source Code for Module gromacs.analysis.plugins.trajectories

  1  # $Id$ 
  2  # Copyright (c) 2009 Oliver Beckstein <> 
  3  # Released under the GNU Public License 3 (or higher, your choice) 
  4  # See the file COPYING for details. 
  6  """ 
  7  Trajectories 
  8  ============ 
 10  Write centered trajectories. Trajectories will be stored under the 
 11  base dir / trj.   
 13  - full fitxy  
 14  - fitxy at 100 ps intervals 
 17  Plugin class 
 18  ------------ 
 20  .. autoclass:: Trajectories 
 21     :members: worker_class 
 22     :undoc-members: 
 24  Worker class 
 25  ------------ 
 27  The worker class performs the analysis. 
 29  .. autoclass:: _Trajectories 
 30     :members: 
 33  """ 
 34  from __future__ import with_statement 
 36  __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en" 
 38  import os 
 39  import errno 
 40  import warnings 
 42  import gromacs 
 43  from gromacs.utilities import AttributeDict 
 44  from gromacs.analysis.core import Worker, Plugin 
 46  import logging 
 47  logger = logging.getLogger('gromacs.analysis.plugins.trajectories') 
 49  # Worker classes that are registered via Plugins (see below) 
 50  # ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 51  # These must be defined before the plugins. 
53 -class _Trajectories(Worker):
54 """Trajctories worker class.""" 55
56 - def __init__(self,**kwargs):
57 """Set up Trajectories 58 59 :Arguments: 60 None at the moment, everything is hard coded. 61 """ 62 # specific arguments: take them before calling the super class that 63 # does not know what to do with them 64 dt = kwargs.pop('dt', 100) # reduced xtc: write steps every dt ps 65 66 # super class init: do this before doing anything else 67 # (also sets up self.parameters and self.results) 68 super(_Trajectories, self).__init__(**kwargs) 69 70 # process specific parameters now and set instance variables 71 self.parameters.dt = dt 72 73 # self.simulation might have been set by the super class 74 # already; just leave this snippet at the end. Do all 75 # initialization that requires the simulation class in the 76 # _register_hook() method. 77 if not self.simulation is None: 78 self._register_hook()
80 - def _register_hook(self, **kwargs):
81 """Run when registering; requires simulation.""" 82 83 super(_Trajectories, self)._register_hook(**kwargs) 84 assert not self.simulation is None 85 86 xtcdir,xtcname = os.path.split(self.simulation.xtc) 87 xtcbasename, xtcext = os.path.splitext(xtcname) 88 trjdir = os.path.join(xtcdir, 'trj') 89 fitxy_gro = os.path.join(trjdir, xtcbasename+'_fitxy'+'.gro') 90 fitxy_pdb = os.path.join(trjdir, xtcbasename+'_fitxy'+'.pdb') 91 fitxy_xtc = os.path.join(trjdir, xtcbasename+'_fitxy'+xtcext) 92 fitxydt_xtc = os.path.join(trjdir, (xtcbasename+'_fitxy_dt%dps'+xtcext) % self.parameters.dt) 93 94 # make sure trjdir exists 95 try: 96 os.makedirs(trjdir) 97 except OSError, err: 98 if err.errno == errno.EEXIST: 99 pass 100 101 self.parameters.trjdir = trjdir 102 self.parameters.filenames = { 103 'gro': fitxy_gro, 104 'pdb': fitxy_pdb, 105 'fitxy': fitxy_xtc, 106 'fitxydt': fitxydt_xtc, 107 }
108 109 # override 'API' methods of base class 110
111 - def run(self, force=False, **gmxargs):
112 """Write new trajectories""" 113 114 filename = self.parameters.filenames['gro'] 115 if not self.check_file_exists(filename, resolve='warning') or force: 116"Writing fitted GRO file...") 117 gromacs.cbook.trj_fitandcenter(xy=True, s=self.simulation.tpr, f=self.simulation.xtc, 118 o=filename, dump=0) 119 120 filename = self.parameters.filenames['pdb'] 121 if not self.check_file_exists(filename, resolve='warning') or force: 122"Writing fitted PDB file...") 123 gromacs.cbook.trj_fitandcenter(xy=True, s=self.simulation.tpr, f=self.simulation.xtc, 124 o=filename, dump=0) 125 126 filename = self.parameters.filenames['fitxydt'] 127 if not self.check_file_exists(filename, resolve='warning') or force: 128"Writing fitted xtc file (frame every %d ps)..." % self.parameters.dt) 129 gromacs.cbook.trj_fitandcenter(xy=True, s=self.simulation.tpr, f=self.simulation.xtc, 130 o=filename, dt=self.parameters.dt) 131 132 filename = self.parameters.filenames['fitxy'] 133 if not self.check_file_exists(filename, resolve='warning') or force: 134"Writing fitted xtc file (all frames)...") 135 gromacs.cbook.trj_fitandcenter(xy=True, s=self.simulation.tpr, f=self.simulation.xtc, 136 o=filename) 137 138"New trajectories can be found in %r." % self.parameters.trjdir)
140 - def analyze(self,**kwargs):
141 """No postprocessing.""" 142 pass
143 144
145 - def plot(self, **kwargs):
146 """No plotting.""" 147 pass
148 149 150 # Public classes that register the worker classes 151 #------------------------------------------------ 152
153 -class Trajectories(Plugin):
154 """*Trajectories* plugin. 155 156 Write new xy-fitted trajectories (see :func:`gromacs.cbook.trj_fitandcenter`), 157 158 .. class:: Trajectories([name[, simulation]]) 159 160 :Arguments: 161 *name* : string 162 plugin name (used to access it) 163 *simulation* : instance 164 The :class:`gromacs.analysis.Simulation` instance that owns the plugin. 165 166 """ 167 worker_class = _Trajectories