Package gromacs :: Package analysis :: Package plugins :: Module template_plugin
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Source Code for Module gromacs.analysis.plugins.template_plugin

  1  # $Id$ 
  2  # Copyright (c) 2009 Oliver Beckstein <> 
  3  # Released under the GNU Public License 3 (or higher, your choice) 
  4  # See the file COPYING for details. 
  6  """ 
  7  Template for a plugin 
  8  ====================== 
 10  You can use this file to write plugins that conform to the plugin API. 
 12  Names that are supposed to be changed to more sensible values have 
 13  *TEMPLATE* in their name. 
 16  .. note:: 
 18     This plugin is the canonical example for how to structure plugins that 
 19     conform to the plugin API (see docs :mod:`gromacs.analysis.core` for 
 20     details). 
 22  Plugin class 
 23  ------------ 
 25  .. autoclass:: TEMPLATEplugin 
 26     :members: worker_class 
 27     :undoc-members: 
 29  Worker class 
 30  ------------ 
 32  The worker class performs the analysis. 
 34  .. autoclass:: _TEMPLATEplugin 
 35     :members: 
 38  """ 
 39  from __future__ import with_statement 
 41  __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en" 
 43  import os.path 
 44  import warnings 
 46  import gromacs 
 47  from gromacs.utilities import AttributeDict 
 48  from gromacs.analysis.core import Worker, Plugin 
 50  import logging 
 51  logger = logging.getLogger('gromacs.analysis.plugins.TEMPLATE') 
 53  # Worker classes that are registered via Plugins (see below) 
 54  # ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 55  # These must be defined before the plugins. 
57 -class _TEMPLATEplugin(Worker):
58 """TEMPLATE worker class.""" 59
60 - def __init__(self,**kwargs):
61 """Set up TEMPLATE analysis. 62 63 This is the worker class; this is where all the real analysis is done. 64 65 :Arguments: 66 *keyword_1* 67 description 68 *keyword_2* 69 description 70 71 """ 72 # specific arguments: take them before calling the super class that 73 # does not know what to do with them 74 ## x1 = kwargs.pop('keyword_1',None) 75 ## x2 = kwargs.pop('keyword_1', 1.234) # nm 76 77 # super class init: do this before doing anything else 78 # (also sets up self.parameters and self.results) 79 super(_TEMPLATEplugin, self).__init__(**kwargs) 80 81 # process specific parameters now and set instance variables 82 # .... 83 # self.parameters.filenames = { 'xxx': 'yyy', ....} 84 # .... 85 86 # self.simulation might have been set by the super class 87 # already; just leave this snippet at the end. Do all 88 # initialization that requires the simulation class in the 89 # _register_hook() method. 90 if not self.simulation is None: 91 self._register_hook()
93 - def _register_hook(self, **kwargs):
94 """Run when registering; requires simulation.""" 95 96 super(_TEMPLATEplugin, self)._register_hook(**kwargs) 97 assert not self.simulation is None
98 99 # EXAMPLES: 100 # filename of the index file that we generate for the cysteines 101 ## self.parameters.ndx = self.plugindir('cys.ndx') 102 # output filenames for g_dist, indexed by Cys resid 103 ## self.parameters.filenames = dict(\ 104 ## [(resid, self.plugindir('Cys%d_OW_dist.txt.bz2' % resid)) 105 ## for resid in self.parameters.cysteines]) 106 # default filename for the combined plot 107 ## self.parameters.figname = self.figdir('mindist_S_OW') 108 109 110 # override 'API' methods of base class 111
112 - def run(self, cutoff=None, force=False, **gmxargs):
113 """Short description of what is performed. 114 115 The run method typically processes trajectories and writes data files. 116 """ 117 # filename = self.parameters.filenames['XXXX'] 118 # if not self.check_file_exists(filename, resolve='warning') or force: 119 #"Analyzing TEMPLATE...") 120 121 pass
122 123
124 - def analyze(self,**kwargs):
125 """Short description of postprocessing. 126 127 The analyze method typically postprocesses the data files 128 generated by run. Splitting the complete analysis task into 129 two parts (*run* and *analyze*) is advantageous because in 130 this way parameters of postprocessing steps can be easily 131 changed without having to rerun the time consuming trajectory 132 analysis. 133 134 :Keywords: 135 *kw1* 136 description 137 :Returns: a dictionary of the results and also sets ``self.results``. 138 """ 139 from gromacs.utilities import XVG 140 141 results = AttributeDict() 142 143 # - Do postprocessing here. 144 # - Store results of calculation in results[key] where key can be chosen freely 145 # but *must* be provided so that other functions can uniformly access results. 146 # - You are encouraged to store class instances with a plot() method; if you do 147 # this then you can just don't have to change the plot() method below. 148 # For instance you can use gromacs.formats.XVG(filename) to create 149 # a object from a xvg file that knows how to plot itself. 150 151 self.results = results 152 return results
154 - def plot(self, **kwargs):
155 """Plot all results in one graph, labelled by the result keys. 156 157 :Keywords: 158 figure 159 - ``True``: save figures in the given formats 160 - "name.ext": save figure under this filename (``ext`` -> format) 161 - ``False``: only show on screen 162 formats : sequence 163 sequence of all formats that should be saved [('png', 'pdf')] 164 plotargs 165 keyword arguments for pylab.plot() 166 """ 167 168 import pylab 169 figure = kwargs.pop('figure', False) 170 extensions = kwargs.pop('formats', ('pdf','png')) 171 for name,result in self.results.items(): 172 kwargs['label'] = name 173 try: 174 result.plot(**kwargs) # This requires result classes with a plot() method!! 175 except AttributeError: 176 warnings.warn("Sorry, plotting of result %(name)r is not implemented" % vars(), 177 category=UserWarning) 178 pylab.legend(loc='best') 179 if figure is True: 180 for ext in extensions: 181 self.savefig(ext=ext) 182 elif figure: 183 self.savefig(filename=figure)
184 185 186 187 188 # Public classes that register the worker classes 189 #------------------------------------------------ 190
191 -class TEMPLATEplugin(Plugin):
192 """*TEMPLATE* plugin. 193 194 Describe the plugin in detail here. This is what the user will 195 see. Add citations etc. 196 197 # explicitly describe the call/init signature of the plugin here; 198 # note that *all* arguments are technically keyword arguments 199 # (this is a requirement of the API) but if there are required 200 # parameters feel free to write them without square brackets in 201 # the call signature as done for parameter_1 below. 202 # 203 # The name and simulation parameters are always present. 204 205 .. class:: TEMPLATEplugin(parameter_1[, kwparameter_2[, name[, simulation]]]) 206 207 :Arguments: 208 *parameter_1* 209 required, otherwise the plugin won't be able to do anything 210 *kwparameter_2* 211 this optional parameter tunes the frobbnification 212 *name* : string 213 plugin name (used to access it) 214 *simulation* : instance 215 The :class:`gromacs.analysis.Simulation` instance that owns the plugin. 216 217 """ 218 worker_class = _TEMPLATEplugin