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object --+ | Grid2D --+ | GridMatData
Represent GridMatMD data file.
The loaded array data is accessible as a numpy array in :attr:`GridMatData.array` and bins and midpoints as :attr:`GridMatData.bins` and :attr:`GridMatData.midpoints` respectively.
Inherited from Inherited from Inherited from |
DATANAME = re.compile(
Inherited from |
Load the data into a numpy array. The *filename* is an output file from GridMAT-MD. *shape* and *delta* are optional. The *shape* of the array is parsed from the filename if not provided. The spacing is set to (1,1) if not provided. :Arguments: *filename* 2D grid as written by GridMAT-MD *shape* Shape tuple (NX, NY) of the array in filename. *delta* Tuple of bin sizes of grid (DX, DY).
Trees | Indices | Help |
Generated by Epydoc 3.0.1 on Sat Jun 12 15:59:34 2010 | |