Package gromacs :: Package analysis :: Module core
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Module core

source code

:mod:`analysis.core` -- Core classes for analysis of Gromacs trajectories

This documentation is mostly of interest to programmers who want to write
analysis plugins.

Programming API for plugins

Additional analysis capabilities are added to a
:class:`gromacs.analysis.Simulation` class with *plugin* classes. For
an example see :mod:`gromacs.analysis.plugins`.

API description

Analysis capabilities can be added with plugins to the simulation class. Each
plugin is registered with the simulation class and provides at a minimum
:meth:``, :meth:`~Worker.analyze`, and :meth:`~Worker.plot` methods.

A plugin consists of a subclass of :class:`Plugin`  and an associated :class:`Worker`
instance. The former is responsible for administrative tasks and documentation,
the latter implements the analysis code.

A plugin class must be derived from :class:`Plugin` and typically bears the
name that is used to access it. A plugin instance must be *registered* with a
:class:`Simulation` object. This can be done implicitly by passing the
:class:`Simulation` instance in the ``simulation`` keyword argument to the
constructor or by explicitly calling the :meth:`Plugin.register` method with
the simulation instance. Alternatively, one can also register a plugin via the
:meth:`Simulation.add_plugin` method.

Registering the plugin means that the actual worker class is added to the
:attr:`Simulation.plugins` dictionary.

A plugin must eventually obtain a pointer to the :class:`Simulation` class in
order to be able to access simulation-global parameters such as top directories
or input files.

See :class:`analysis.plugins.CysAccessibility` and
:class:`analysis.plugins._CysAccessibility` in
``analysis/plugins/`` as examples.

API requirements

* Each plugin is contained in a separate module in the
  :mod:`gromacs.analysis.plugins` package. The name of the module *must* be the
  name of the plugin class in all lower case.

* The plugin name is registered in
  :const:`gromacs.analysis.plugins.__plugins__`. (Together with the file naming
  convention this allows for automatic and consistent loading.)

* The plugin itself is derived from :class:`Plugin`; the only changes are the
  doc strings and setting the :attr:`Plugin.worker_class` class attribute to a
  :class:`Worker` class.

* The corresponding worker class is derived from :class:`Worker` and must implement 
  - :meth:`Worker.__init__` which can only use keyword arguments to initialize
    the plugin. It must ensure that init methods of super classes are also
    called. See the existing plugins for details.

  - :meth:`` which typically generates the data by analyzing a
    trajectory, possibly multiple times. It should store results in files.

  - :meth:`Worker.analyze` analyzes the data generated by :meth:``.

  - :meth:`Worker.plot` plots the analyzed data.

  - :meth:`Worker._register_hook` (see below)

* The worker class can access parameters of the simulation via the
  :attr:`Worker.simulation` attribute that is automatically set when the plugin
  registers itself with :class:`Simulations`. However, the plugin should *not*
  rely on :attr:`~Worker.simulation` being present during initialization
  (__init__) because registration of the plugin might occur *after* init.

  This also means that one cannot use the directory methods such as
  :meth:`Worker.plugindir` because they depend on :meth:`Simulation.topdir` and

  Any initialization that requires access to the :class:`Simulation` instance
  should be moved into the :meth:`Worker._register_hook` method. It is called
  when the plugin is actually being registered. Note that the hook *must* also
  call the hook of the super class before setting any values. The hook should
  pop any arguments that it requires and ignore everything else.

* Parameters of the plugin are stored in :attr:`Worker.parameters` (either as
  attributes or as key/value pairs, see the container class

* Results are stored in :attr:`Worker.results` (also a :class:`gromacs.utilities.AttributeDict`).


.. autoclass:: Simulation
   :members: add_plugin, set_plugin, get_plugin, run,
             analyze, plot, run_all, analyze_all, _apply_all,
             topdir, plugindir, check_file, has_plugin,
             check_plugin_name, current_plugin

.. autoclass:: Plugin
   :members: worker_class, register

   .. attribute:: Plugin.plugin_name

      Name of the plugin; this must be a *unique* identifier across
      all plugins of a :class:`Simulation` object. It should also be
      human understandable and must be a valid python identifier as it
      is used as a dict key.

   .. attribute:: Plugin.simulation

      The :class:`Simulation` instance who owns the plugin. Can be
      ``None`` until a successful call to :meth:`~Plugin.register`.

   .. attribute:: Plugin.worker

      The :class:`Worker` instance of the plugin.

.. autoclass:: Worker   
   :members: topdir, plugindir, savefig, _register_hook

Classes [hide private]
Class that represents one simulation.
Base class for a plugin worker.
Plugin class that can be added to a :class:`Simulation` instance.