Package gromacs :: Module utilities
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Source Code for Module gromacs.utilities

  1  # GromacsWrapper: 
  2  # Copyright (c) 2009 Oliver Beckstein <> 
  3  # Released under the GNU Public License 3 (or higher, your choice) 
  4  # See the file COPYING for details. 
  6  """ 
  7  :mod:`gromacs.utilities` -- Helper functions and classes 
  8  ======================================================== 
 10  The module defines some convenience functions and classes that are 
 11  used in other modules; they do *not* make use of :mod:`` 
 12  or :mod:`gromacs.cbook` and can be safely imported at any time. 
 15  Classes 
 16  ------- 
 18  :class:`FileUtils` provides functions related to filename handling. It 
 19  can be used as a base or mixin class. The :class:`gromacs.analysis.Simulation` 
 20  class is derived from it. 
 22  .. autoclass:: FileUtils 
 23     :members: 
 24  .. autoclass:: AttributeDict 
 25  .. autoclass:: Timedelta 
 27  Functions 
 28  --------- 
 30  Some additional convenience functions that deal with files and 
 31  directories: 
 33  .. function:: openany(directory[,mode='r']) 
 35     Context manager to open a compressed (bzip2, gzip) or plain file 
 36     (uses :func:`anyopen`). 
 38  .. autofunction:: anyopen 
 39  .. autofunction:: realpath 
 40  .. function:: in_dir(directory[,create=True]) 
 42     Context manager to execute a code block in a directory. 
 44     * The *directory* is created if it does not exist (unless 
 45       *create* = ``False`` is set)    
 46     * At the end or after an exception code always returns to 
 47       the directory that was the current directory before entering 
 48       the block. 
 50  .. autofunction:: find_first 
 51  .. autofunction:: withextsep 
 53  Functions that improve list processing and which do *not* treat 
 54  strings as lists: 
 56  .. autofunction:: iterable 
 57  .. autofunction:: asiterable 
 60  Functions that help handling Gromacs files: 
 62  .. autofunction:: unlink_f 
 63  .. autofunction:: unlink_gmx 
 64  .. autofunction:: unlink_gmx_backups 
 65  .. autofunction:: number_pdbs 
 67  Functions that make working with matplotlib_ easier: 
 69  .. _matplotlib: 
 71  .. autofunction:: activate_subplot 
 72  .. autofunction:: remove_legend 
 75  Miscellaneous functions: 
 77  .. autofunction:: convert_aa_code 
 80  Data 
 81  ---- 
 83  .. autodata:: amino_acid_codes 
 85  """ 
 86  from __future__ import with_statement 
 88  __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en" 
 90  import os 
 91  import glob 
 92  import re 
 93  import warnings 
 94  import errno 
 95  import subprocess 
 96  from contextlib import contextmanager 
 97  import bz2, gzip 
 98  import datetime 
100  import logging 
101  logger = logging.getLogger('gromacs.utilities') 
103  from gromacs import AutoCorrectionWarning 
104 105 106 -def Property(func):
107 """Simple decorator wrapper to make full fledged properties. 108 See eg 109 """ 110 return property(**func())
112 113 -class AttributeDict(dict):
114 """A dictionary with pythonic access to keys as attributes --- useful for interactive work."""
115 - def __getattribute__(self,x):
116 try: 117 return super(AttributeDict,self).__getattribute__(x) 118 except AttributeError: 119 return self[x]
120 - def __setattr__(self,name,value):
121 try: 122 super(AttributeDict,self).__setitem__(name, value) 123 except KeyError: 124 super(AttributeDict,self).__setattr__(name, value)
126 - def __getstate__(self):
127 return self
129 - def __setstate__(self, state):
130 self.update(state)
132 @contextmanager 133 -def openany(datasource, mode='r'):
134 """Open the datasource and close it when the context exits.""" 135 stream, filename = anyopen(datasource, mode=mode) 136 try: 137 yield stream 138 finally: 139 stream.close()
141 -def anyopen(datasource, mode='r'):
142 """Open datasource (gzipped, bzipped, uncompressed) and return a stream. 143 144 :Arguments: 145 - *datasource*: a file or a stream 146 - *mode*: 'r' or 'w' 147 """ 148 # TODO: - make this act as ContextManager (and not return filename) 149 # - need to add binary 'b' to mode for compressed files? 150 151 handlers = {'bz2': bz2.BZ2File, 'gz':, '': file} 152 153 if mode.startswith('r'): 154 if hasattr(datasource,'next') or hasattr(datasource,'readline'): 155 stream = datasource 156 filename = '(%s)' % # maybe that does not always work? 157 else: 158 stream = None 159 filename = datasource 160 for ext in ('bz2', 'gz', ''): # file == '' should be last 161 openfunc = handlers[ext] 162 stream = _get_stream(datasource, openfunc, mode=mode) 163 if not stream is None: 164 break 165 if stream is None: 166 raise IOError("Cannot open %(filename)r in mode=%(mode)r." % vars()) 167 elif mode.startswith('w'): 168 if hasattr(datasource, 'write'): 169 stream = datasource 170 filename = '(%s)' % # maybe that does not always work? 171 else: 172 stream = None 173 filename = datasource 174 name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) 175 if ext.startswith('.'): 176 ext = ext[1:] 177 if not ext in ('bz2', 'gz'): 178 ext = '' # anything else but bz2 or gz is just a normal file 179 openfunc = handlers[ext] 180 stream = openfunc(datasource, mode=mode) 181 if stream is None: 182 raise IOError("Cannot open %(filename)r in mode=%(mode)r with type %(ext)r." % vars()) 183 else: 184 raise NotImplementedError("Sorry, mode=%(mode)r is not implemented for %(datasource)r" % vars()) 185 186 return stream, filename
188 -def _get_stream(filename, openfunction=file, mode='r'):
189 try: 190 stream = openfunction(filename, mode=mode) 191 except IOError: 192 return None 193 194 try: 195 stream.readline() 196 stream.close() 197 stream = openfunction(filename,'r') 198 except IOError: 199 stream.close() 200 stream = None 201 return stream
202 203 # TODO: make it work for non-default charge state amino acids. 204 #: translation table for 1-letter codes --> 3-letter codes 205 #: .. Note: This does not work for HISB and non-default charge state aa! 206 amino_acid_codes = {'A':'ALA', 'C':'CYS', 'D':'ASP', 'E':'GLU', 207 'F':'PHE', 'G':'GLY', 'H':'HIS', 'I':'ILE', 208 'K':'LYS', 'L':'LEU', 'M':'MET', 'N':'ASN', 209 'P':'PRO', 'Q':'GLN', 'R':'ARG', 'S':'SER', 210 'T':'THR', 'V':'VAL', 'W':'TRP', 'Y':'TYR'} 211 inverse_aa_codes = dict([(three, one) for one,three in amino_acid_codes.items()])
212 213 -def convert_aa_code(x):
214 """Converts between 3-letter and 1-letter amino acid codes.""" 215 if len(x) == 1: 216 return amino_acid_codes[x.upper()] 217 elif len(x) == 3: 218 return inverse_aa_codes[x.upper()] 219 else: 220 raise ValueError("Can only convert 1-letter or 3-letter amino acid codes, " 221 "not %r" % x)
223 @contextmanager 224 -def in_dir(directory, create=True):
225 """Context manager to execute a code block in a directory. 226 227 * The directory is created if it does not exist (unless 228 create=False is set) 229 * At the end or after an exception code always returns to 230 the directory that was the current directory before entering 231 the block. 232 """ 233 startdir = os.getcwd() 234 try: 235 try: 236 os.chdir(directory) 237"Working in %(directory)r..." % vars()) 238 except OSError, err: 239 if create and err.errno == errno.ENOENT: 240 os.makedirs(directory) 241 os.chdir(directory) 242"Working in %(directory)r (newly created)..." % vars()) 243 else: 244 logger.exception("Failed to start working in %(directory)r." % vars()) 245 raise 246 yield os.getcwd() 247 finally: 248 os.chdir(startdir)
250 -def realpath(*args):
251 """Join all args and return the real path, rooted at /. 252 253 Returns ``None`` if any of the args is none. 254 """ 255 if None in args: 256 return None 257 return os.path.realpath(os.path.join(*args))
259 -def find_first(filename, suffices=None):
260 """Find first *filename* with a suffix from *suffices*. 261 262 :Arguments: 263 *filename* 264 base filename; this file name is checked first 265 *suffices* 266 list of suffices that are tried in turn on the root of *filename*; can contain the 267 ext separator (:data:`os.path.extsep`) or not 268 269 :Returns: The first match or ``None``. 270 """ 271 # struct is not reliable as it depends on qscript so now we just try everything... 272 273 root,extension = os.path.splitext(filename) 274 if suffices is None: 275 suffices = [] 276 else: 277 suffices = withextsep(suffices) 278 extensions = [extension] + suffices # native name is first 279 for ext in extensions: 280 fn = root + ext 281 if os.path.exists(fn): 282 return fn 283 return None
285 -def withextsep(extensions):
286 """Return list in which each element is guaranteed to start with :data:`os.path.extsep`.""" 287 def dottify(x): 288 if x.startswith(os.path.extsep): 289 return x 290 return os.path.extsep + x
291 return [dottify(x) for x in asiterable(extensions)] 292
293 294 295 -class FileUtils(object):
296 """Mixin class to provide additional file-related capabilities.""" 297 298 #: Default extension for files read/written by this class. 299 default_extension = None 300
301 - def _init_filename(self, filename=None, ext=None):
302 """Initialize the current filename :attr:`FileUtils.real_filename` of the object. 303 304 Bit of a hack. 305 306 - The first invocation must have ``filename != None``; this will set a 307 default filename with suffix :attr:`FileUtils.default_extension` 308 unless another one was supplied. 309 310 - Subsequent invocations either change the filename accordingly or 311 ensure that the default filename is set with the proper suffix. 312 313 """ 314 315 extension = ext or self.default_extension 316 filename = self.filename(filename, ext=extension, use_my_ext=True, set_default=True) 317 #: Current full path of the object for reading and writing I/O. 318 self.real_filename = os.path.realpath(filename)
320 - def filename(self,filename=None,ext=None,set_default=False,use_my_ext=False):
321 """Supply a file name for the class object. 322 323 Typical uses:: 324 325 fn = filename() ---> <default_filename> 326 fn = filename('name.ext') ---> 'name' 327 fn = filename(ext='pickle') ---> <default_filename>'.pickle' 328 fn = filename('name.inp','pdf') --> 'name.pdf' 329 fn = filename('foo.pdf',ext='png',use_my_ext=True) --> 'foo.pdf' 330 331 The returned filename is stripped of the extension 332 (``use_my_ext=False``) and if provided, another extension is 333 appended. Chooses a default if no filename is given. 334 335 Raises a ``ValueError`` exception if no default file name is known. 336 337 If ``set_default=True`` then the default filename is also set. 338 339 ``use_my_ext=True`` lets the suffix of a provided filename take 340 priority over a default ``ext`` tension. 341 """ 342 if filename is None: 343 if not hasattr(self,'_filename'): 344 self._filename = None # add attribute to class 345 if self._filename: 346 filename = self._filename 347 else: 348 raise ValueError("A file name is required because no default file name was defined.") 349 my_ext = None 350 else: 351 filename, my_ext = os.path.splitext(filename) 352 if set_default: # replaces existing default file name 353 self._filename = filename 354 if my_ext and use_my_ext: 355 ext = my_ext 356 if ext is not None: 357 if ext.startswith('.'): 358 ext = ext[1:] # strip a dot to avoid annoying mistakes 359 filename = filename + '.' + ext 360 return filename
362 - def check_file_exists(self, filename, resolve='exception', force=None):
363 """If a file exists then continue with the action specified in ``resolve``. 364 365 ``resolve`` must be one of 366 367 "ignore" 368 always return ``False`` 369 "indicate" 370 return ``True`` if it exists 371 "warn" 372 indicate and issue a :exc:`UserWarning` 373 "exception" 374 raise :exc:`IOError` if it exists 375 376 Alternatively, set *force* for the following behaviour (which 377 ignores *resolve*): 378 379 ``True`` 380 same as *resolve* = "ignore" (will allow overwriting of files) 381 ``False`` 382 same as *resolve* = "exception" (will prevent overwriting of files) 383 ``None`` 384 ignored, do whatever *resolve* says 385 """ 386 def _warn(x): 387 msg = "File %r already exists." % x 388 logger.warn(msg) 389 warnings.warn(msg) 390 return True
391 def _raise(x): 392 msg = "File %r already exists." % x 393 logger.error(msg) 394 raise IOError(errno.EEXIST, msg)
395 solutions = {'ignore': lambda x: False, # file exists, but we pretend that it doesn't 396 'indicate': lambda x: True, # yes, file exists 397 'warn': _warn, 398 'warning': _warn, 399 'exception': _raise, 400 'raise': _raise, 401 } 402 403 if force is True: 404 resolve = 'ignore' 405 elif force is False: 406 resolve = 'exception' 407 408 if not os.path.isfile(filename): 409 return False 410 else: 411 return solutions[resolve](filename) 412
413 - def infix_filename(self, name, default, infix, ext=None):
414 """Unless *name* is provided, insert *infix* before the extension *ext* of *default*.""" 415 if name is None: 416 p, oldext = os.path.splitext(default) 417 if ext is None: 418 ext = oldext 419 if ext.startswith('.'): 420 ext = ext[1:] 421 name = self.filename(p+infix, ext=ext) 422 return name
424 - def __repr__(self):
425 fmt = "%s(filename=%%r)" % self.__class__.__name__ 426 try: 427 fn = self.filename() 428 except ValueError: 429 fn = None 430 return fmt % fn
432 433 -def iterable(obj):
434 """Returns ``True`` if *obj* can be iterated over and is *not* a string.""" 435 if type(obj) is str: 436 return False # avoid iterating over characters of a string 437 438 if hasattr(obj, 'next'): 439 return True # any iterator will do 440 try: 441 len(obj) # anything else that might work 442 except TypeError: 443 return False 444 return True
446 -def asiterable(obj):
447 """Returns obj so that it can be iterated over; a string is *not* treated as iterable""" 448 if not iterable(obj): 449 obj = [obj] 450 return obj
451 462 468 476
477 -def mkdir_p(path):
478 """Create a directory *path* with subdirs but do not complain if it exists. 479 480 This is like GNU ``mkdir -p path``. 481 """ 482 try: 483 os.makedirs(path) 484 except OSError, err: 485 if err.errno != errno.EEXIST: 486 raise
488 -def cat(f=None, o=None):
489 """Concatenate files *f*=[...] and write to *o*""" 490 # need f, o to be compatible with trjcat and eneconv 491 if f is None or o is None: 492 return 493 target = o 494 infiles = asiterable(f) 495 logger.debug("cat %s > %s " % (" ".join(infiles), target)) 496 with open(target, 'w') as out: 497 rc =['cat'] + infiles, stdout=out) 498 if rc != 0: 499 msg = "failed with return code %d: cat %r > %r " % (rc, " ".join(infiles), target) 500 logger.exception(msg) 501 raise OSError(errno.EIO, msg, target)
503 504 # helpers for matplotlib 505 -def activate_subplot(numPlot):
506 """Make subplot *numPlot* active on the canvas. 507 508 Use this if a simple ``subplot(numRows, numCols, numPlot)`` 509 overwrites the subplot instead of activating it. 510 """ 511 # see 512 from pylab import gcf, axes 513 numPlot -= 1 # index is 0-based, plots are 1-based 514 return axes(gcf().get_axes()[numPlot])
516 -def remove_legend(ax=None):
517 """Remove legend for axes or gca. 518 519 See 520 """ 521 from pylab import gca, draw 522 if ax is None: 523 ax = gca() 524 ax.legend_ = None 525 draw()
527 528 # time functions 529 -class Timedelta(datetime.timedelta):
530 """Extension of :class:`datetime.timedelta`. 531 532 Provides attributes ddays, dhours, dminutes, dseconds to measure 533 the delta in normal time units. 534 535 ashours gives the total time in fractional hours. 536 """ 537 538 @property
539 - def dhours(self):
540 """Hours component of the timedelta.""" 541 return self.seconds / 3600
542 543 @property
544 - def dminutes(self):
545 """Minutes component of the timedelta.""" 546 return self.seconds/60 - 60*self.dhours
547 548 @property
549 - def dseconds(self):
550 """Seconds component of the timedelta.""" 551 return self.seconds - 3600*self.dhours - 60*self.dminutes
552 553 @property
554 - def ashours(self):
555 """Timedelta in (fractional) hours.""" 556 return 24*self.days + self.seconds / 3600.0
558 - def strftime(self, fmt="%d:%H:%M:%S"):
559 """Primitive string formatter. 560 561 The only directives understood are the following: 562 ============ ========================== 563 Directive meaning 564 ============ ========================== 565 %d day as integer 566 %H hour [00-23] 567 %h hours including days 568 %M minute as integer [00-59] 569 %S second as integer [00-59] 570 ============ ========================== 571 """ 572 substitutions = { 573 "%d": str(self.days), 574 "%H": "%02d" % self.dhours, 575 "%h": str(24*self.days + self.dhours), 576 "%M": "%02d" % self.dminutes, 577 "%S": "%02d" % self.dseconds, 578 } 579 s = fmt 580 for search, replacement in substitutions.items(): 581 s = s.replace(search, replacement) 582 return s
583 584 585 NUMBERED_PDB = re.compile(r"(?P<PREFIX>.*\D)(?P<NUMBER>\d+)\.(?P<SUFFIX>pdb)")
586 587 -def number_pdbs(*args, **kwargs):
588 """Rename pdbs x1.pdb ... x345.pdb --> x0001.pdb ... x0345.pdb 589 590 :Arguments: 591 - *args*: filenames or glob patterns (such as "pdb/md*.pdb") 592 - *format*: format string including keyword *num* ["%(num)04d"] 593 """ 594 595 format = kwargs.pop('format', "%(num)04d") 596 name_format = "%(prefix)s" + format +".%(suffix)s" 597 filenames = [] 598 map(filenames.append, map(glob.glob, args)) # concatenate all filename lists 599 filenames = filenames[0] # ... ugly 600 for f in filenames: 601 m = 602 if m is None: 603 continue 604 num = int('NUMBER')) 605 prefix ='PREFIX') 606 suffix ='SUFFIX') 607 newname = name_format % vars() 608"Renaming %(f)r --> %(newname)r" % vars()) 609 try: 610 os.rename(f, newname) 611 except OSError: 612 logger.exception("renaming failed")