Package gromacs :: Module setup
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Module setup

source code

:mod:`gromacs.setup` -- Setting up a Gromacs MD run

Individual steps such as solvating a structure or energy minimization
are set up in individual directories. For energy minimization one
should supply appropriate mdp run input files; otherwise example
templates are used.

.. warning::

   You **must** check all simulation parameters for yourself. Do not rely on
   any defaults provided here. The scripts provided here are provided under the
   assumption that you know what you are doing and you just want to automate
   the boring parts of the process.

User functions

The individual steps of setting up a simple MD simulation are broken down in a
sequence of functions that depend on the previous step(s):

        generate initial topology file (limited functionality, might require
        manual setup)
        solvate globular protein and add ions to neutralize
        set up energy minimization and run it (using ``mdrun_d``)
        set up and run multiple energy minimizations one after another (as an
        alternative to the simple single energy minimization provided by
        set up restrained MD
        set up equilibrium MD

Each function uses its own working directory (set with the ``dirname`` keyword
argument, but it should be safe and convenient to use the defaults). Other
arguments assume the default locations so typically not much should have to be
set manually.

One can supply non-standard itp files in the topology directory. In
some cases one does not use the :func:`topology` function at all but
sets up the topology manually. In this case it is safest to call the
topology directory ``top`` and make sure that it contains all relevant
top, itp, and pdb files.


Run a single protein in a dodecahedral box of SPC water molecules and
use the GROMOS96 G43a1 force field. We start with the structure in

  from gromacs.setup import *
  f1 = topology(protein='MyProtein', struct='protein.pdb', ff='G43a1', water='spc', force=True, ignh=True)

Each function returns "interesting" new files in a dictionary in such
a away that it can often be used as input for the next function in the
chain (although in most cases one can get away with the defaults of
the keyword arguments)::

  f2 = solvate(**f1)
  f3 = energy_minimize(**f2)

Now prepare input for a MD run with restraints on the protein::


Use the files in the directory to run the simulation locally or on a
cluster. You can provide your own template for a queuing system
submission script; see the source code for details.

Once the restraint run has completed, use the last frame as input for
the equilibrium MD::

  MD(struct='MD_POSRES/md.gro', runtime=1e5)

Run the resulting tpr file on a cluster.

User functions

The following functions are provided for the user:

.. autofunction:: topology
.. autofunction:: solvate
.. autofunction:: energy_minimize
.. autofunction:: em_schedule
.. autofunction:: MD_restrained
.. autofunction:: MD

Helper functions

The following functions are used under the hood and are mainly useful when
writing extensions to the module.

.. autofunction:: make_main_index
.. autofunction:: check_mdpargs
.. autofunction:: get_lipid_vdwradii
.. autofunction:: _setup_MD

Defined constants:

.. autodata:: CONC_WATER
.. autodata:: vdw_lipid_resnames
.. autodata:: vdw_lipid_atom_radii

Functions [hide private]
topology(struct=None, protein='protein', top='', dirname='top', **pdb2gmx_args)
Build Gromacs topology files from pdb.
source code
make_main_index(struct, selection='"Protein"', ndx='main.ndx', oldndx=None)
Make index file with the special groups.
source code
get_lipid_vdwradii(outdir='.', libdir=None)
Find vdwradii.dat and add special entries for lipids.
source code
solvate(struct='top/protein.pdb', top='top/', distance=0.9, boxtype='dodecahedron', concentration=0, cation='NA+', anion='CL-', water='spc', with_membrane=False, ndx='main.ndx', mainselection='"Protein"', dirname='solvate', **kwargs)
Put protein into box, add water, add counter-ions.
source code
Check if any arguments remain in dict d.
source code
energy_minimize(dirname='em', mdp='/sansom/gfio/users/oliver/Library/python/GromacsWrapper/gromacs/tem..., struct='solvate/ionized.gro', top='top/', output='em.pdb', deffnm='em', mdrunner=None, **kwargs)
Energy minimize the system.
source code
Run multiple energy minimizations one after each other.
source code
_setup_MD(dirname, deffnm='md', mdp='/sansom/gfio/users/oliver/Library/python/GromacsWrapper/gromacs/tem..., struct=None, top='top/', ndx=None, mainselection='"Protein"', qscript='/sansom/gfio/users/oliver/Library/python/GromacsWrapper/gromacs/tem..., qname=None, mdrun_opts='', budget=None, walltime=0.333333333333, dt=0.002, runtime=1000.0, **mdp_kwargs)
Generic function to set up a mdrun MD simulation.
source code
MD_restrained(dirname='MD_POSRES', **kwargs)
Set up MD with position restraints.
source code
MD(dirname='MD', **kwargs)
Set up equilibrium MD.
source code
Variables [hide private]
  logger = logging.getLogger('gromacs.setup')
  CONC_WATER = 55.345
Concentration of water at standard conditions in mol/L.
  recommended_mdp_table = 'Table: recommended mdp parameters for...
  trj_compact_main = 'compact', center...
  vdw_lipid_resnames = ['POPC', 'POPE', 'POPG', 'DOPC', 'DPPC', ...
Hard-coded lipid residue names for a ``vdwradii.dat`` file.
  vdw_lipid_atom_radii = {'C': 0.25, 'H': 0.09, 'N': 0.16, 'O': ...
Increased atom radii for lipid atoms; these are simply the standard values from GMXLIB/vdwradii.dat increased by 0.1 nm (C) or 0.05 nm (N, O, H).
Function Details [hide private]

topology(struct=None, protein='protein', top='', dirname='top', **pdb2gmx_args)

source code 

Build Gromacs topology files from pdb.


At the moment this function simply runs pdb2gmx and uses the resulting topology file directly. If you want to create more complicated topologies and maybe also use additional itp files or make a protein itp file then you will have to do this manually.


input structure (required)
name of the output files
name of the topology file
directory in which the new topology will be stored
arguments for pdb2gmx such as ff, water, ...

make_main_index(struct, selection='"Protein"', ndx='main.ndx', oldndx=None)

source code 
Make index file with the special groups.

This routine adds the group __main__ and the group __environment__
to the end of the index file. __main__ contains what the user
defines as the *central* and *most important* parts of the
system. __environment__ is everything else.

The template mdp file, for instance, uses these two groups for T-coupling.

These groups are mainly useful if the default groups "Protein" and "Non-Protein"
are not appropriate. By using symbolic names such as __main__ one
can keep scripts more general.
  *groups* is a list of dictionaries that describe the index groups. See
  :func:`gromacs.cbook.parse_ndxlist` for details.

  *struct* : filename
    structure (tpr, pdb, gro)    
  *selection* : string
    is a ``make_ndx`` command such as ``"Protein"`` or ``r DRG`` which
    determines what is considered the main group for centering etc. It is
    passed directly to ``make_ndx``.
  *ndx* : string
     name of the final index file
  *oldndx* : string
     name of index file that should be used as a basis; if None
     then the ``make_ndx`` default groups are used.
This routine is very dumb at the moment; maybe some heuristics will be
added later as could be other symbolic groups such as __membrane__.

get_lipid_vdwradii(outdir='.', libdir=None)

source code 
Find vdwradii.dat and add special entries for lipids.

See :data:`gromacs.setup.vdw_lipid_resnames` for lipid
resnames. Add more if necessary.

solvate(struct='top/protein.pdb', top='top/', distance=0.9, boxtype='dodecahedron', concentration=0, cation='NA+', anion='CL-', water='spc', with_membrane=False, ndx='main.ndx', mainselection='"Protein"', dirname='solvate', **kwargs)

source code 
Put protein into box, add water, add counter-ions.

Currently this really only supports solutes in water. If you need
to embedd a protein in a membrane then you will require more
sophisticated approaches.

However, you *can* supply a protein already inserted in a
bilayer. In this case you will probably want to set *distance* =
``None`` and also enable *with_membrane* = ``True`` (using extra
big vdw radii for typical lipids).

  *struct* : filename
      pdb or gro input structure
  *top* : filename
      Gromacs topology
  *distance* : float
      When solvating with water, make the box big enough so that
      at least *distance* nm water are between the solute *struct*
      and the box boundary.
      Set this to ``None`` in order to use a box size in the input
      file (gro or pdb).
  *boxtype* : string
      Any of the box types supported by :class:``.
      If set to ``None`` it will also ignore *distance* and use the box
      inside the *struct* file.
  *concentration* : float
      Concentration of the free ions in mol/l. Note that counter
      ions are added in excess of this concentration.
  *cation* and *anion* : string
      Molecule names of the ions. This depends on the chosen force field.
  *water* : string
      Name of the water model; one of "spc", "spce", "tip3p",
      "tip4p". This should be appropriate for the chosen force
      field. If no water is requird, simply supply the path to a box with solvent
      molecules (used by :func:`gromacs.genbox`'s  *cs* argument).
  *with_membrane* : bool
       ``True``: use special ``vdwradii.dat`` with 0.1 nm-increased radii on 
       lipids. Default is ``False``.
  *ndx* : filename
      The name of the custom index file that is produced here.
  *mainselection* : string
      A string that is fed to :class:`` and
      which should select the solute.
  *dirname* : directory name
      Name of the directory in which all files for the solvation stage are stored.
  *includes* : list of additional directories to add to the mdp include path

.. Note:: non-water solvents only work if the molecules are named SOL.

energy_minimize(dirname='em', mdp='/sansom/gfio/users/oliver/Library/python/GromacsWrapper/gromacs/tem..., struct='solvate/ionized.gro', top='top/', output='em.pdb', deffnm='em', mdrunner=None, **kwargs)

source code 
Energy minimize the system.

This sets up the system (creates run input files) and also runs
``mdrun_d``. Thus it can take a while.

Additional itp files should be in the same directory as the top file.

Many of the keyword arguments below already have sensible values. 

      set up under directory dirname [em]
      input structure (gro, pdb, ...) [solvate/ionized.gro]
      output structure (will be put under dirname) [em.pdb]
      default name for mdrun-related files [em]
      topology file [top/]
      mdp file (or use the template) [templates/em.mdp]
      additional directories to search for itp files
      :class:`` class; by defauly we
      just try :func:`gromacs.mdrun_d` and :func:`gromacs.mdrun` but a
      MDrunner class gives the user the ability to run mpi jobs
      etc. [None]
      remaining key/value pairs that should be changed in the 
      template mdp file, eg ``nstxtcout=250, nstfout=250``.

.. note:: If :func:`~gromacs.mdrun_d` is not found, the function
          falls back to :func:`~gromacs.mdrun` instead.


source code 
Run multiple energy minimizations one after each other.

       list of integrators (from 'l-bfgs', 'cg', 'steep')
       [['bfgs', 'steep']]
       list of maximum number of steps; one for each integrator in
       in the *integrators* list [[100,1000]]
       mostly passed to :func:`gromacs.setup.energy_minimize`

:Returns: dictionary with paths to final structure ('struct') and 
          other files        

   Conduct three minimizations:
     1. low memory Broyden-Goldfarb-Fletcher-Shannon (BFGS) for 30 steps
     2. steepest descent for 200 steps
     3. finish with BFGS for another 30 steps
   We also do a multi-processor minimization when possible (i.e. for steep
   (and conjugate gradient) by using a :class:`` class
   for a :program:`mdrun` executable compiled for OpenMP in 64 bit (see
   :mod:`` for details)::

                integrators=['l-bfgs', 'steep', 'l-bfgs'], 
                nsteps=[50,200, 50])

.. Note:: You might have to prepare the mdp file carefully because at the
          moment one can only modify the *nsteps* parameter on a
          per-minimizer basis.

_setup_MD(dirname, deffnm='md', mdp='/sansom/gfio/users/oliver/Library/python/GromacsWrapper/gromacs/tem..., struct=None, top='top/', ndx=None, mainselection='"Protein"', qscript='/sansom/gfio/users/oliver/Library/python/GromacsWrapper/gromacs/tem..., qname=None, mdrun_opts='', budget=None, walltime=0.333333333333, dt=0.002, runtime=1000.0, **mdp_kwargs)

source code 

Generic function to set up a mdrun MD simulation.

See the user functions for usage.

MD_restrained(dirname='MD_POSRES', **kwargs)

source code 
Set up MD with position restraints.

Additional itp files should be in the same directory as the top file.

Many of the keyword arguments below already have sensible values. Note that
setting *mainselection* = ``None`` will disable many of the automated
choices and is often recommended when using your own mdp file.

      set up under directory dirname [MD_POSRES]
      input structure (gro, pdb, ...) [em/em.pdb]
      topology file [top/]
      mdp file (or use the template) [templates/md.mdp]
      index file (supply when using a custom mdp)
      additional directories to search for itp files          
      :program:`make_ndx` selection to select main group ["Protein"]
      (If ``None`` then no canonical index file is generated and
      it is the user's responsibility to set *tc_grps*,
      *tau_t*, and *ref_t* as keyword arguments, or provide the mdp template
      with all parameter pre-set in *mdp* and probably also your own *ndx* 
      index file.)
      default filename for Gromacs run [md]
      total length of the simulation in ps [1000]
      integration time step in ps [0.002]
      script to submit to the queuing system; by default
      uses the template :data:`gromacs.config.qscript_template`, which can 
      be manually set to another template from :data:`gromacs.config.templates`; 
      can also be a list of template names.
      name to be used for the job in the queuing system [PR_GMX]
      option flags for the :program:`mdrun` command in the queuing system
      scripts such as "-stepout 100". [""]
      remaining key/value pairs that should be changed in the template mdp
      file, eg ``nstxtcout=250, nstfout=250`` or command line options for
      ``grompp` such as ``maxwarn=1``.

      In particular one can also set **define** and activate
      whichever position restraints have been coded into the itp
      and top file. For instance one could have

         *define* = "-DPOSRES_MainChain -DPOSRES_LIGAND"

      if these preprocessor constructs exist. Note that there
      **must not be any space between "-D" and the value.**

      By default *define* is set to "-DPOSRES".

:Returns: a dict that can be fed into :func:`gromacs.setup.MD`
          (but check, just in case, especially if you want to
          change the ``define`` parameter in the mdp file)

.. Note:: The output frequency is drastically reduced for position
          restraint runs by default. Set the corresponding ``nst*``
          variables if you require more output.

MD(dirname='MD', **kwargs)

source code 
Set up equilibrium MD.

Additional itp files should be in the same directory as the top file.

Many of the keyword arguments below already have sensible values. Note that
setting *mainselection* = ``None`` will disable many of the automated
choices and is often recommended when using your own mdp file.

      set up under directory dirname [MD]
      input structure (gro, pdb, ...) [MD_POSRES/md_posres.pdb]
      topology file [top/]
      mdp file (or use the template) [templates/md.mdp]
      index file (supply when using a custom mdp)
      additional directories to search for itp files          
      ``make_ndx`` selection to select main group ["Protein"]
      (If ``None`` then no canonical index file is generated and
      it is the user's responsibility to set *tc_grps*,
      *tau_t*, and *ref_t* as keyword arguments, or provide the mdp template
      with all parameter pre-set in *mdp* and probably also your own *ndx* 
      index file.)
      default filename for Gromacs run [md]
      total length of the simulation in ps [1000]
      integration time step in ps [0.002]
      script to submit to the queuing system; by default
      uses the template :data:`gromacs.config.qscript_template`, which can 
      be manually set to another template from :data:`gromacs.config.templates`; 
      can also be a list of template names.
      name to be used for the job in the queuing system [MD_GMX]
      option flags for the :program:`mdrun` command in the queuing system
      scripts such as "-stepout 100 -dgdl". [""]
      remaining key/value pairs that should be changed in the template mdp
      file, e.g. ``nstxtcout=250, nstfout=250`` or command line options for
      :program`grompp` such as ``maxwarn=1``.

:Returns: a dict that can be fed into :func:`gromacs.setup.MD`
          (but check, just in case, especially if you want to
          change the *define* parameter in the mdp file)

Variables Details [hide private]


Concentration of water at standard conditions in mol/L. Density at 25 degrees C and 1 atmosphere pressure: rho = 997.0480 g/L. Molecular weight: M = 18.015 g/mol. c = n/V = m/(V*M) = rho/M = 55.345 mol/L.


'''Table: recommended mdp parameters for different FF
==========   =========  ================
mdp          GROMOS     OPLS-AA
==========   =========  ================
rvdw         1.4        1.0
rlist        1.4 ?      1.0
==========   =========  ================


Value: 'compact', center= True, boxcenter= 'tric', \
pbc= 'mol', input= ('__main__', 'system'), doc= "Returns a compact rep\
resentation of the system centered on the __main__ group")


Hard-coded lipid residue names for a ``vdwradii.dat`` file. Use together with
:data:`~gromacs.setup.vdw_lipid_atom_radii` in :func:`~gromacs.setup.get_lipid_vdwradii`.

['POPC', 'POPE', 'POPG', 'DOPC', 'DPPC', 'DLPC', 'DMPC', 'DPPG']


Increased atom radii for lipid atoms; these are simply the standard values from GMXLIB/vdwradii.dat increased by 0.1 nm (C) or 0.05 nm (N, O, H).
{'C': 0.25, 'H': 0.09, 'N': 0.16, 'O': 0.155}