Package gromacs :: Module run :: Class MDrunnerMpich2Smpd
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Class MDrunnerMpich2Smpd

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         object --+        
utilities.FileUtils --+    
               MDrunner --+

Manage running :program:`mdrun` as mpich2_ multiprocessor job with the SMPD mechanism.

.. _mpich2:

Instance Methods [hide private]
prehook(self, **kwargs)
Launch local smpd.
source code
posthook(self, **kwargs)
Shut down smpd
source code

Inherited from MDrunner: __init__, check_success, commandline, mpicommand, run, run_check

Inherited from utilities.FileUtils: __repr__, check_file_exists, filename, infix_filename

Inherited from utilities.FileUtils (private): _init_filename

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __str__

Class Variables [hide private]
  mdrun = 'mdrun_mpich2'
path to the :program:`mdrun` executable (or the name if it can be found on :envvar:`PATH`)
  mpiexec = 'mpiexec'
path to the MPI launcher (e.g.

Inherited from utilities.FileUtils: default_extension

Instance Variables [hide private]

Inherited from utilities.FileUtils: real_filename

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

prehook(self, **kwargs)

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Launch local smpd.
Overrides: MDrunner.prehook

posthook(self, **kwargs)

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Shut down smpd
Overrides: MDrunner.posthook