Package gromacs :: Module qsub :: Class Manager
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Class Manager

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object --+

Base class to launch simulations remotely on computers with queuing systems.

Basically, ssh into machine and run job.

Derive a class from :class:`Manager` and override the attributes

and implement a specialized :meth:`Manager.qsub` method if needed.

ssh_ must be set up (via `~/.ssh/config`_) to allow access via a commandline such as :

   ssh <hostname> <command> ...

Typically you want something such as :

  host <hostname>
       hostname <hostname>
       user     <remote_user>

in ``~/.ssh/config`` and also set up public-key authentication in order to avoid typing your password all the time.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, dirname='.', **kwargs)
Set up the manager.
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_assertnotempty(self, value, name)
Simple sanity check.
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remotepath(self, *args)
Directory on the remote machine.
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get_dir(self, *args)
Directory on the remote machine.
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remoteuri(self, *args)
URI of the directory on the remote machine.
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put(self, dirname)
scp dirname to host.
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putfile(self, filename, dirname)
scp *filename* to host in *dirname*.
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get(self, dirname, checkfile=None, targetdir='.')
``scp -r`` *dirname* from host into *targetdir*
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local_get(self, dirname, checkfile, cattrajectories=True, cleanup=False)
Find *checkfile* locally if possible.
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cat(self, dirname, prefix='md', cleanup=True)
Concatenate parts of a run in *dirname*.
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qsub(self, dirname, **kwargs)
Submit job remotely on host.
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get_status(self, dirname, logfilename='md*.log', silent=False)
Check status of remote job by looking into the logfile.
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job_done(self, dirname, logfilename='md*.log', silent=False)
Check status of remote job by looking into the logfile.
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qstat(self, dirname, logfilename='md*.log', silent=False)
Check status of remote job by looking into the logfile.
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ndependent(self, runtime, performance=None, walltime=None)
Calculate how many dependent (chained) jobs are required.
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waitfor(self, dirname, **kwargs)
Wait until the job associated with *dirname* is done.
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setup_posres(self, **kwargs)
Set up position restraints run and transfer to host.
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setup_MD(self, jobnumber, struct='MD_POSRES/md.pdb', **kwargs)
Set up production and transfer to host.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __str__

Class Variables [hide private]
  _hostname = None
hostname of the super computer (**required**)
  _scratchdir = None
scratch dir on hostname (**required**)
  _qscript = None
name of the template submission script appropriate for the queuing system on :attr:`Manager._hostname`; can be a path to a local file or a template stored in :data:`gromacs.config.qscriptdir` or a key for :data:`gromacs.config.templates` (**required**)
  _walltime = None
maximum run time of script in hours; the queuing system script :attr:`Manager._qscript` is supposed to stop :program:`mdrun` after 99% of this time via the ``-maxh`` option.
  log_RE = re.compile(r'(?x)Run\stime\sexceeded\s+(?P<exceeded>....
Regular expression used by :meth:`Manager.get_status` to parse the logfile from :program:`mdrun`.
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, dirname='.', **kwargs)

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Set up the manager.

      directory component under the remote scratch dir (should
      be different for different jobs)  [basename(CWD)]
      identifier for job names [MD]

Overrides: object.__init__

put(self, dirname)

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scp dirname to host.

:Arguments: dirname to be transferred :Returns: return code from scp

putfile(self, filename, dirname)

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scp *filename* to host in *dirname*.

:Arguments: filename and dirname to be transferred to :Returns: return code from scp

get(self, dirname, checkfile=None, targetdir='.')

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``scp -r`` *dirname* from host into *targetdir*


  • *dirname*: dir to download
  • *checkfile*: raise OSError/ENOENT if *targetdir/dirname/checkfile* was not found
  • *targetdir*: put *dirname* into this directory

:Returns: return code from scp

local_get(self, dirname, checkfile, cattrajectories=True, cleanup=False)

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Find *checkfile* locally if possible.

If *checkfile* is not found in *dirname* then it is transferred from the remote host.

If needed, the trajectories are concatenated using :meth:``.

:Returns: local path of *checkfile*

cat(self, dirname, prefix='md', cleanup=True)

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Concatenate parts of a run in *dirname*.

Always uses :func:`` with *resolve_multi* = 'guess'.

.. Note:: The default is to immediately delete the original files
          (*cleanup* = ``True``).

      directory to work in
      prefix (deffnm) of the files [md]
   *cleanup* : boolean
      if ``True``, remove all used files [``True``]

qsub(self, dirname, **kwargs)

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Submit job remotely on host.

This is the most primitive implementation: it just runs the commands :

  cd remotedir && qsub qscript

on :attr:`Manager._hostname`. *remotedir* is *dirname* under :attr:`Manager._scratchdir` and *qscript* defaults to the queuing system script hat was produced from the template :attr:`Manager._qscript`.

get_status(self, dirname, logfilename='md*.log', silent=False)

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Check status of remote job by looking into the logfile.

Report on the status of the job and extracts the performance in ns/d if
available (which is saved in :attr:`Manager.performance`).

  - *dirname*
  - *logfilename* can be a shell glob pattern [md*.log]
  - *silent* = True/False; True suppresses messages

:Returns: ``True`` is job is done, ``False`` if still running
          ``None`` if no log file found to look at

.. Note:: Also returns ``False`` if the connection failed.

.. Warning:: This is an important but somewhat  **fragile** method. It
             needs to be improved to be more robust.

job_done(self, dirname, logfilename='md*.log', silent=False)

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Check status of remote job by looking into the logfile.

Report on the status of the job and extracts the performance in ns/d if
available (which is saved in :attr:`Manager.performance`).

  - *dirname*
  - *logfilename* can be a shell glob pattern [md*.log]
  - *silent* = True/False; True suppresses messages

:Returns: ``True`` is job is done, ``False`` if still running
          ``None`` if no log file found to look at

.. Note:: Also returns ``False`` if the connection failed.

.. Warning:: This is an important but somewhat  **fragile** method. It
             needs to be improved to be more robust.

qstat(self, dirname, logfilename='md*.log', silent=False)

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Check status of remote job by looking into the logfile.

Report on the status of the job and extracts the performance in ns/d if
available (which is saved in :attr:`Manager.performance`).

  - *dirname*
  - *logfilename* can be a shell glob pattern [md*.log]
  - *silent* = True/False; True suppresses messages

:Returns: ``True`` is job is done, ``False`` if still running
          ``None`` if no log file found to look at

.. Note:: Also returns ``False`` if the connection failed.

.. Warning:: This is an important but somewhat  **fragile** method. It
             needs to be improved to be more robust.

ndependent(self, runtime, performance=None, walltime=None)

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Calculate how many dependent (chained) jobs are required.

Uses *performance* in ns/d (gathered from :meth:`get_status`) and job max
*walltime* (in hours) from the class unless provided as keywords.

   n = ceil(runtime/(performance*0.99*walltime)

       length of run in ns
       ns/d with the given setup
       maximum run length of the script (using 99% of it), in h

:Returns: *n*  or 1 if walltime is unlimited

waitfor(self, dirname, **kwargs)

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Wait until the job associated with *dirname* is done.

Super-primitive, uses a simple while ... sleep for *seconds* delay

      look for log files under the remote dir corresponding to *dirname*
      delay in *seconds* during re-polling

setup_posres(self, **kwargs)

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Set up position restraints run and transfer to host.

*kwargs* are passed to :func:`gromacs.setup.MD_restrained`

setup_MD(self, jobnumber, struct='MD_POSRES/md.pdb', **kwargs)

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Set up production and transfer to host.


  • *jobnumber*: 1,2 ...
  • *struct* is the starting structure (default from POSRES run but that is just a guess);
  • kwargs are passed to :func:`gromacs.setup.MD`

Class Variable Details [hide private]


maximum run time of script in hours; the queuing system script :attr:`Manager._qscript` is supposed to stop :program:`mdrun` after 99% of this time via the ``-maxh`` option. A value of ``None`` or ``inf`` indicates no limit.



Regular expression used by :meth:`Manager.get_status` to parse the logfile from :program:`mdrun`.
