Package gromacs :: Module formats
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Module formats

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:mod:`gromacs.formats` -- Accessing various files

This module contains classes that represent data files on
disk. Typically one creates an instance and

- reads from a file using a :meth:`read` method, or

- populates the instance (in the simplest case with a :meth:`set`
  method) and the uses the :meth:`write` method to write the data to
  disk in the appropriate format.

For function data there typically also exists a :meth:`plot` method
which produces a graph (using matplotlib).

The module defines some classes that are used in other modules; they
do *not* make use of :mod:`` or :mod:`gromacs.cbook` and
can be safely imported at any time.


.. autoclass:: XVG
.. autoclass:: NDX
.. autoclass:: uniqueNDX
.. autoclass:: GRO

   (Not implemented yet)

Classes [hide private]
Class that represents the numerical data in a grace xvg file.
Gromacs index file.
set which defines '+' as union (OR) and '-' as intersection (AND).
Index that behaves like make_ndx, i.e.
Class that represents a GROMOS (gro) structure file.
Class that represents a Gromacs mdp run input file.
Functions [hide private]
Convert input to a numerical type if possible.
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Function Details [hide private]


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Convert input to a numerical type if possible.

  1. A non-string object is returned as it is
  2. Try conversion to int, float, str.