Package gromacs :: Package analysis :: Package plugins :: Module com
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Source Code for Module

  1  # plugin: 
  2  # Copyright (c) 2010 Oliver Beckstein <> 
  3  # Released under the GNU Public License 3 (or higher, your choice) 
  4  # See the file COPYING for details. 
  6  """ 
  7  Centre of mass 
  8  ============== 
 10  Calculate the centre of mass of index groups. 
 12  Plugin class 
 13  ------------ 
 15  .. autoclass:: COM 
 16     :members: worker_class 
 17     :undoc-members: 
 20  Worker class 
 21  ------------ 
 23  The worker class performs the analysis. 
 25  .. autoclass:: _COM 
 26     :members: 
 29  """ 
 30  from __future__ import with_statement 
 32  __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en" 
 34  import os.path 
 35  import warnings 
 37  import numpy 
 39  import gromacs 
 40  from gromacs.utilities import AttributeDict, asiterable 
 41  from gromacs.analysis.core import Worker, Plugin 
 43  import logging 
 44  logger = logging.getLogger('') 
 46  # Worker classes that are registered via Plugins (see below) 
 47  # ---------------------------------------------------------- 
 48  # These must be defined before the plugins. 
50 -class _COM(Worker):
51 """COM worker class.""" 52
53 - def __init__(self,**kwargs):
54 """Set up COM analysis. 55 56 :Keywords: 57 *group_names* 58 list of index group names 59 *ndx* 60 index file if groups are not in the default index 61 *offset* 62 add the *offset* to the residue numbers [0] 63 *name* 64 plugin name [COM] 65 *simulation* 66 The :class:`gromacs.analysis.Simulation` instance that 67 owns the plugin [None] 68 """ 69 group_names = asiterable(kwargs.pop('group_names', [])) 70 ndx = kwargs.pop('ndx', None) 71 offset = kwargs.pop('offset', 0) 72 73 super(_COM, self).__init__(**kwargs) 74 75 self.parameters.group_names = group_names 76 self.parameters.offset = offset 77 self.ndx = ndx 78 79 if not self.simulation is None: 80 self._register_hook()
82 - def _register_hook(self, **kwargs):
83 """Run when registering; requires simulation.""" 84 85 super(_COM, self)._register_hook(**kwargs) 86 assert not self.simulation is None 87 88 if self.ndx is None: 89 self.ndx = self.simulation.ndx 90 91 self.parameters.filenames = { # result xvg files 92 'com': self.plugindir('com.xvg'), 93 } 94 95 # default filename for the plots -- not used 96 self.parameters.fignames = { 97 'com': self.figdir('com'), 98 }
100 - def run(self, force=None, **gmxargs):
101 """Analyze trajectory and write COM file. 102 103 All three components of the COM coordinate are written. 104 105 :Arguments: 106 - *force*: ``True`` does analysis and overwrites existing files 107 - *gmxargs*: additional keyword arguments for :func:`gromacs.g_bundle` 108 """ 109 gmxargs['com'] = True 110 gmxargs['mol'] = False 111 gmxargs['ng'] = len(self.parameters.group_names) 112 gmxargs['x'] = True 113 gmxargs['y'] = True 114 gmxargs['z'] = True 115 116 if gmxargs['ng'] == 0: 117 errmsg = "No index group name(s) provided. Use group_name with the constructor." 118 logger.error(errmsg) 119 raise ValueError(errmsg) 120 121 if self.check_file_exists(self.parameters.filenames['com'], resolve='warning', force=force): 122 return 123 124"Analyzing COM ...") 125 f = self.parameters.filenames 126 gromacs.g_traj(s=self.simulation.tpr, f=self.simulation.xtc, n=self.ndx, 127 ox=f['com'], input=self.parameters.group_names, **gmxargs)
128 129
130 - def analyze(self,**kwargs):
131 """Collect output xvg files as :class:`gromacs.formats.XVG` objects. 132 133 - Make COM as a function of time available as XVG files and 134 objects. 135 - Compute RMSD of the COM of each group (from average 136 position, "rmsd"). 137 - Compute distance whic encompasses 50% of observations ("median") 138 - Compute drift of COM, i.e. length of the vector between 139 initial and final position. Initial and final position are 140 computed as averages over *nframesavg* frames ("drift"). 141 142 RMSD, median, and drift are columns in an xvg file. The rows correspond 143 to the groups in :attr:``. 144 145 :Keywords: 146 *nframesavg* 147 number of initial and final frames that are averaged in 148 order to compute the drift of the COM of each group 149 [5000] 150 *refgroup* 151 group name whose com is taken as the reference and subtracted from 152 all other coms for the distance calculations. If supplied, 153 additional result 'com_relative_*refgroup*' is created. 154 155 :Returns: a dictionary of the results and also sets 156 :attr:``. 157 """ 158 from gromacs.formats import XVG 159 160"Preparing COM graphs as XVG objects.") 161 self.results = AttributeDict( (k, XVG(fn)) for k,fn in self.parameters.filenames.items() ) 162 163 # compute RMSD of COM and shift of COM (drift) between avg pos 164 # over first/last 5,000 frames 165 nframesavg = kwargs.pop('nframesavg', 5000) 166 ngroups = len(self.parameters.group_names) 167 xcom = self.results['com'].array 168 169 refgroup = kwargs.pop('refgroup', None) 170 if not refgroup is None: 171 if not refgroup in self.parameters.group_names: 172 errmsg = "refgroup=%s must be one of %r" % (refgroup, self.parameters.group_names) 173 logger.error(errmsg) 174 raise ValueError(errmsg) 175 nreference = 1 + 3 * self.parameters.group_names.index(refgroup) # 1-based !! 176 reference_com = xcom[nreference:nreference+3] 177 xcom[1:] -= numpy.vstack(ngroups * [reference_com]) # can't use broadcast 178 logger.debug("distances computed with refgroup %r", refgroup) 179 180 self.store_xvg('com_relative_%s' % refgroup, xcom, 181 names=['time']+self.parameters.group_names) 182 183 184 def vlength(v): 185 return numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum(v**2, axis=0)) # distances over time step
186 187 logger.debug("drift calculated between %d-frame averages at beginning and end",nframesavg) 188 records = [] 189 for i in xrange(1, 3*ngroups+1, 3): 190 x = xcom[i:i+3] 191 r = vlength(x - x.mean(axis=1)[:,numpy.newaxis]) # distances over time step 192 #r0 = vlength(r - r[:,0][:,numpy.newaxis]) # distances over time step from r(t=0) 193 #h,edges = numpy.histogram(r, bins=kwargs.get('bins', 100), normed=True) 194 #m = 0.5*(edges[1:]+edges[:-1]) 195 #c = h.cumsum(dtype=float) # integral 196 #c /= c[-1] # normalized (0 to 1) 197 #median = m[c < 0.5][-1] 198 #g = h/(4*numpy.pi*m**2) 199 #import scipy.integrate 200 #radint = lambda y: 4*numpy.pi*scipy.integrate.simps(m**2*y, x=m) 201 #g /= radint(g) # properly normalized radial distribution function 202 rmsd = numpy.sqrt(numpy.mean(r**2)) # radial spread sqrt(radint(m**2 * g)) 203 median = numpy.median(r) # radius that contains 50% of the observations 204 dx = x[:,:nframesavg].mean(axis=1) - x[:,-nframesavg:].mean(axis=1) 205 drift = vlength(dx) 206 records.append((rmsd, median, drift)) 207 self.store_xvg('distance', numpy.transpose(records), names="rmsd,median,drift") 208 209 return self.results
211 - def plot(self, **kwargs):
212 """Plot all results in one graph, labelled by the result keys. 213 214 :Keywords: 215 observables 216 select one or more of the stored results. Can be a list 217 or a string (a key into the results dict). ``None`` 218 plots everything [``None``] 219 figure 220 - ``True``: save figures in the given formats 221 - "name.ext": save figure under this filename (``ext`` -> format) 222 - ``False``: only show on screen [``False``] 223 formats : sequence 224 sequence of all formats that should be saved [('png', 'pdf')] 225 plotargs 226 keyword arguments for pylab.plot() 227 """ 228 229 import pylab 230 figure = kwargs.pop('figure', False) 231 observables = asiterable(kwargs.pop('observables', self.results.keys())) 232 extensions = kwargs.pop('formats', ('pdf','png')) 233 234 for name in observables: 235 result = self.results[name] 236 try: 237 result.plot(**kwargs) # This requires result classes with a plot() method!! 238 except AttributeError: 239 warnings.warn("Sorry, plotting of result %(name)r is not implemented" % vars(), 240 category=UserWarning) 241 242 # quick labels -- relies on the proper ordering 243 labels = [str(n)+" "+dim for n in self.parameters.group_names 244 for dim in 'xyz'] 245 if not kwargs.get('columns', None) is None: 246 # select labels according to columns; only makes sense 247 # if plotting against the time (col 0) 248 if kwargs['columns'][0] == 0: 249 labels = numpy.array([None]+labels)[kwargs['columns'][1:]] 250 else: 251 labels = () 252 253 pylab.legend(labels, loc='best') 254 if figure is True: 255 for ext in extensions: 256 self.savefig(ext=ext) 257 elif figure: 258 self.savefig(filename=figure)
259 260 261 262 263 # Public classes that register the worker classes 264 #------------------------------------------------ 265
266 -class COM(Plugin):
267 """*COM* plugin. 268 269 Calculate the centre of mass (COM) of various index groups. 270 271 .. class:: COM(group_names, [ndx[, offset [, name[, simulation]]]]) 272 273 """ 274 worker_class = _COM