Uses of Class

Packages that use IndexSet
jgromacs.analysis jgromacs.analysis is a collection of classes providing static methods for various analysis tasks is a collection of classes representing multiple levels of structural data provides parsers for reading and methods for writing GROMACS files 

Uses of IndexSet in jgromacs.analysis

Methods in jgromacs.analysis that return IndexSet
static IndexSet Distances.getAtomIndicesInRadius(Structure s, Atom atom, double radius)
          Returns the index set of atoms in a structure that are closer to a reference atom than a given radius
static IndexSet Distances.getAtomIndicesInRadius(Structure s, IndexSet referenceindices, double radius)
          Returns the index set of atoms in a structure that are closer to a reference set of atoms than a given radius
static IndexSet Distances.getAtomIndicesInRadius(Structure s, IndexSet atomIndices, IndexSet referenceIndices, double radius)
          Returns the index set of atoms from a set of atoms that are closer to a reference set than a given radius
static IndexSet Distances.getAtomIndicesInRadius(Structure s, Point3D point, double radius)
          Returns the index set of atoms in a structure that are closer to a reference point than a given radius

Methods in jgromacs.analysis with parameters of type IndexSet
static Atom Distances.findClosestAtom(Structure s, IndexSet atomset, IndexSet referenceset)
          Returns the atom from a given atom set that is closest to a reference set of atoms
static jama.Matrix Distances.getAtomicDistanceMatrix(Structure s, IndexSet indices)
          Calculates the distance matrix of atoms of given indices in a structure
static jama.Matrix Distances.getAtomicDistanceMatrix(Structure s, IndexSet indices1, IndexSet indices2)
          Calculates the distance matrix between two sets of atoms
static IndexSet Distances.getAtomIndicesInRadius(Structure s, IndexSet referenceindices, double radius)
          Returns the index set of atoms in a structure that are closer to a reference set of atoms than a given radius
static IndexSet Distances.getAtomIndicesInRadius(Structure s, IndexSet atomIndices, IndexSet referenceIndices, double radius)
          Returns the index set of atoms from a set of atoms that are closer to a reference set than a given radius
static jama.Matrix Similarity.getDifferenceDistanceMatrix(Structure s1, IndexSet indices1, Structure s2, IndexSet indices2)
          Calculates the atomic difference distance matrix between two sets of atoms defined by two index sets in two structures
static double Distances.getDistanceOfAtomToAtomSet(Structure s, int atomindex, IndexSet referenceset)
          Calculates the distance of an atom to a reference set of atoms (i.e.
static double Distances.getDistanceOfTwoAtomSets(Structure s, IndexSet indices1, IndexSet indices2)
          Calculates the distance between two sets of atoms (i.e.
static java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Double> Distances.getDistanceTimeSeries(Trajectory t, IndexSet indices1, IndexSet indices2)
          Returns the time series of the distance of two sets of atoms in a trajectory
static java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Double> Distances.getDistanceTimeSeries(Trajectory t, int atomindex, IndexSet referenceset)
          Returns the time series of the distance of a single atom and a set of atoms in a trajectory
static double Similarity.getDRMSD(Structure A, IndexSet indicesA, Structure B, IndexSet indicesB)
          Calculates dRMSD similarity between two groups of atoms
static java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Double> Similarity.getDRMSDiProfile(Structure A, IndexSet indicesA, Structure B, IndexSet indicesB)
          Calculates the dRMSDi profile between two groups of atoms
static jama.Matrix Dynamics.getFluctuationMatrix(Trajectory t, IndexSet indices)
          Calculates the F fluctuation matrix (variances of distances) for a group of atoms
static double Dynamics.getFluctuationOfSubsets(Trajectory t, IndexSet set1, IndexSet set2)
          Calculates the fluctuation between two subsets of atoms defined as the mean of entries of the selected submatrix of matrix F (fluctuation matrix)
static jama.Matrix Distances.getMeanAtomicDistanceMatrix(Trajectory t, IndexSet indices)
          Calculates the mean distance matrix of atoms of given indices in a trajectory
static double Similarity.getRMSD(Structure A, IndexSet indicesA, Structure B, IndexSet indicesB)
          Calculates RMSD similarity between two groups of atoms
static java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Double> Similarity.getRMSDiProfile(Structure A, IndexSet indicesA, Structure B, IndexSet indicesB)
          Calculates the RMSDi profile between two groups of atoms
static java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Double> Similarity.getRMSDiProfileNoSuperposition(Structure A, IndexSet indicesA, Structure B, IndexSet indicesB)
          Calculates the RMSDi profile between two groups of atoms without superposition
static double Similarity.getRMSDnoSuperposition(Structure A, IndexSet indicesA, Structure B, IndexSet indicesB)
          Calculates RMSD similarity between two groups of atoms without superposition
static java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Double> Dynamics.getRMSFprofile(Trajectory t, IndexSet indicesT, Structure R, IndexSet indicesR)
          Calculates the RMSF profile of a group of atoms from a trajectory and a reference frame for superposition
static jama.Matrix Similarity.getSimilarityMatrixDRMSD(Trajectory t, IndexSet indices)
          Calculates the similarity matrix of all frames in a trajectory using the dRMSD measure taking into account only a subset of atoms
static jama.Matrix Similarity.getSimilarityMatrixRMSD(Trajectory t, IndexSet indices)
          Calculates the similarity matrix of all frames in a trajectory using the RMSD measure taking into account only a subset of atoms
static jama.Matrix Similarity.getSimilarityMatrixWDRMSD(Trajectory t, IndexSet indices, jama.Matrix W)
          Calculates the similarity matrix of all frames in a trajectory using the wdRMSD (weighted dRMSD) measure taking into account only a subset of atoms
static java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Double> Similarity.getSimilarityTimeSeriesDRMSD(Trajectory t, IndexSet indicesT, Structure R, IndexSet indicesR)
          Returns the time series of dRMSD in a trajectory with regards to a reference structure taking into account only a subset of atoms
static java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Double> Similarity.getSimilarityTimeSeriesRMSD(Trajectory t, IndexSet indicesT, Structure R, IndexSet indicesR)
          Returns the time series of RMSD in a trajectory with regards to a reference structure taking into account only a subset of atoms
static java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Double> Similarity.getSimilarityTimeSeriesWDRMSD(Trajectory t, IndexSet indicesT, Structure R, IndexSet indicesR, jama.Matrix W)
          Returns the time series of wdRMSD (weighted dRMSD) in a trajectory with regards to a reference structure taking into account only a subset of atoms
static double Similarity.getWDRMSD(Structure A, IndexSet indicesA, Structure B, IndexSet indicesB, jama.Matrix W)
          Calculates wdRMSD (weighted dRMSD) similarity between two groups of atoms
static java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Double> Similarity.getWDRMSDiProfile(Structure A, IndexSet indicesA, Structure B, IndexSet indicesB, jama.Matrix W)
          Calculates the wdRMSDi (weighted dRMSDi) profile between two groups of atoms
static Structure Superposition.superposeTo(Structure toBeSuperposed, IndexSet indices1, Structure reference, IndexSet indices2)
          Calculates the superposition of a structure to another using a subset of atoms for fitting
static Trajectory Superposition.superposeTo(Trajectory t, Structure reference, IndexSet indices)
          Calculates the superposition of each frame of a trajectory to a common reference frame using a subset of atoms for fitting

Uses of IndexSet in

Methods in that return IndexSet
 IndexSet IndexSetList.fuseIntoOneIndexSet()
          Returns the union of all index sets as a single index set
 IndexSet Structure.getAlphaCarbonIndexSet()
          Returns the index set of alpha carbon atoms
 IndexSet Residue.getAtomIndices()
          Returns the index set of all atoms
 IndexSet Residue.getBackBoneAtomIndices()
          Returns the index set of backbone atoms
 IndexSet Structure.getBackboneIndexSet()
          Returns the index set of backbone atoms
 IndexSet Residue.getHeavyAtomIndices()
          Returns the index set of heavy atoms
 IndexSet Structure.getHeavyProteinIndexSet()
          Returns the index set of protein atoms except of hydrogen atoms
 IndexSet Residue.getHydrogenAtomIndices()
          Returns the index set of hydrogen atoms
 IndexSet IndexSetList.getIndexSet(int i)
          Returns the index set of given index
 IndexSet IndexSetList.getIndexSet(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the index set of given name
 IndexSet Structure.getIndexSetOfChainID(java.lang.String chainID)
          Returns the index set of atoms of a given chain ID
 IndexSet Residue.getMainChainAtomIndices()
          Returns the index set of main chain atoms
 IndexSet Structure.getMainChainIndexSet()
          Returns the index set of main chain atoms
 IndexSet Residue.getMainChainPlusCbAtomIndices()
          Returns the index set of main chain atoms and beta carbon atom
 IndexSet Structure.getMainChainPlusCbIndexSet()
          Returns the index set of main chain plus beta carbon atoms
 IndexSet Residue.getMainChainPlusHAtomIndices()
          Returns the index set of main chain atoms and hydrogen atoms
 IndexSet Structure.getMainChainPlusHIndexSet()
          Returns the index set of main chain plus hydrogen atoms
 IndexSet Alignment.getMatchPositionIndices(int i)
          Returns the set of position indices in sequence #i that are included in the match columns of alignment
 IndexSet Structure.getNonProteinIndexSet()
          Returns the index set of non-protein atoms
 IndexSet Structure.getProteinIndexSet()
          Returns the index set of protein atoms
 IndexSet Residue.getSideChainAtomIndices()
          Returns the index set of side chain atoms
 IndexSet Structure.getSideChainIndexSet()
          Returns the index set of side chain atoms
 IndexSet Residue.getSideChainMinusHAtomIndices()
          Returns the index set of side chain atoms except of hydrogen atoms
 IndexSet Structure.getSideChainMinusHIndexSet()
          Returns the index set of side chain atoms except of hydrogen atoms
 IndexSet Structure.getSystemIndexSet()
          Returns the index set of all atoms in the system
 IndexSet Structure.getWaterIndexSet()
          Returns the index set of water atoms
 IndexSet IndexSet.intersect(IndexSet other)
          Returns the intersection of this index set and another
 IndexSet Structure.mapResidueIndicesToAtomIndices(java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer> indices)
          Maps residue indices to atomic indices (i.e.
 IndexSet IndexSet.subtract(IndexSet other)
          Returns the subtraction of another index set from this index set
 IndexSet IndexSet.union(IndexSet other)
          Returns the union of this index set and another

Methods in that return types with arguments of type IndexSet
 java.util.ArrayList<IndexSet> IndexSetList.getAsAnArrayList()
          Returns index set list as an ArrayList object

Methods in with parameters of type IndexSet
 void IndexSetList.addIndexSet(IndexSet set)
          Adds a new index set to the list
 void IndexSetList.addIndexSet(IndexSet set, java.lang.String name)
          Adds a new index set of given name to the list
 java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer> Structure.convertIndicesToArrayListIndices(IndexSet indices)
          Converts atomic indices into list indices
 Structure Structure.getSubStructure(IndexSet indices)
          Returns the substructure defined by the given index set
 Trajectory Trajectory.getSubTrajectory(IndexSet indices)
          Returns the subtrajectory defined by the given index set
 IndexSet IndexSet.intersect(IndexSet other)
          Returns the intersection of this index set and another
 java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer> Structure.mapAtomIndicesToResidueIndices(IndexSet indices)
          Maps atomic indices to residue indices (i.e.
 void IndexSetList.removeIndexSet(IndexSet set)
          Removes the given index set from the list
 void IndexSetList.setIndexSet(int i, IndexSet set)
          Replaces index set of given index with a new index set
 IndexSet IndexSet.subtract(IndexSet other)
          Returns the subtraction of another index set from this index set
 IndexSet IndexSet.union(IndexSet other)
          Returns the union of this index set and another

Constructors in with parameters of type IndexSet
IndexSet(IndexSet set)
          Constructs a new IndexSet object identical to a given IndexSet

Uses of IndexSet in

Methods in that return IndexSet
static IndexSet IOData.readIndexSetFromNDX(java.lang.String filename)
          Reads an index set from the given NDX file

Methods in with parameters of type IndexSet
static void IOData.writeIndexSetToNDX(java.lang.String filename, IndexSet set)
          Writes an index set to the given NDX file