Uses of Class

Packages that use Atom
jgromacs.analysis jgromacs.analysis is a collection of classes providing static methods for various analysis tasks is a collection of classes representing multiple levels of structural data 

Uses of Atom in jgromacs.analysis

Methods in jgromacs.analysis that return Atom
static Atom Distances.findClosestAtom(Structure s, IndexSet atomset, IndexSet referenceset)
          Returns the atom from a given atom set that is closest to a reference set of atoms

Methods in jgromacs.analysis with parameters of type Atom
static IndexSet Distances.getAtomIndicesInRadius(Structure s, Atom atom, double radius)
          Returns the index set of atoms in a structure that are closer to a reference atom than a given radius

Uses of Atom in

Methods in that return Atom
 Atom Residue.getAlphaCarbon()
          Returns the alpha carbon atom if any (otherwise returns null)
 Atom Structure.getAtom(int i)
          Returns atom #i of the structure
 Atom Residue.getAtom(int i)
          Returns atom #i of the residue
 Atom Structure.getAtomByIndex(int index)
          Returns the atom of given index
 Atom Residue.getAtomByIndex(int index)
          Returns the atom of given index
 Atom Residue.getAtomByName(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the atom of name
 Atom Structure.getAtomInResidueOfIndex(int residueindex, int i)
          Returns atom #i of the residue of given index
 Atom Structure.getAtomInResidueOfIndex(int residueindex, java.lang.String chainID, int i)
          Returns atom #i of the residue of given index and chain ID
 Atom Residue.getBetaCarbon()
          Returns the beta carbon atom if any (otherwise returns null)
 Atom Residue.getCarbonylOxygen()
          Returns the carbonyl oxygen atom of amino acid
 Atom Residue.getCTerminalCarbon()
          Returns the C-terminal carbon atom of amino acid
 Atom Residue.getDeltaCarbon()
          Returns the delta carbon atom if any (otherwise returns null)
 Atom Residue.getEpsilonCarbon()
          Returns the epsilon carbon atom if any (otherwise returns null)
 Atom Residue.getGammaCarbon()
          Returns the gamma carbon atom if any (otherwise returns null)
 Atom Residue.getNTerminalNitrogen()
          Returns the N-terminal nitrogen atom of amino acid
 Atom Residue.getZetaCarbon()
          Returns the zeta carbon atom if any (otherwise returns null)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Atom
 java.util.ArrayList<Atom> Residue.getAtomsAsArrayList()
          Returns the list of atoms as an ArrayList object

Methods in with parameters of type Atom
 void Residue.addAtom(Atom atom)
          Adds a new atom to the residue
 void Structure.addAtomToResidue(int i, Atom atom)
          Adds the given atom to residue #i
 void Structure.addAtomToResidueOfIndex(int index, Atom atom)
          Adds the given atom to the residue of given index
 double Atom.distance(Atom other)
          Returns the Euclidean distance between this atom and another atom
 boolean Residue.isAtomIn(Atom atom)
          Returns true if the given atom is in the residue
 void Structure.removeAtom(Atom atom)
          Removes the given atom from the structure
 void Residue.removeAtom(Atom atom)
          Removes the given atom from the residue
 void Residue.setAtom(int i, Atom atom)
          Replaces atom #i of the residue with the given atom
 void Structure.setAtomInResidue(int i, int j, Atom atom)
          Replaces atom #j of residue #i with a new atom
 void Structure.setAtomInResidueOfIndex(int index, int i, Atom atom)
          Replaces atom #i of the residue of given index with a new atom