Primitive framework for staging jobs in Sun Grid Engine via a customized Job class.
Write the SGE script like this:
#!/usr/bin/env python
#$ -N bulk
#$ -S /usr/bin/python
#$ -v PYTHONPATH=/home/users/oliver/Library/python-lib
#$ -v LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/intel/cmkl/8.0/lib/32:/opt/intel/itc60/slib:/opt/intel/ipp41/ia32_itanium/sharedlib:/opt/intel/ipp41/ia32_itanium/sharedlib/linux32:/opt/intel/fc/9.0/lib:/opt/intel/cc/9.0/lib
#$ -r n
#$ -j y
# The next line is IMPORTANT when you are using the default for Job(startdir=None)
#$ -cwd
from staging.SunGridEngine import Job
job = Job(inputfiles=dict(psf = 'inp/crbp_apo.psf',
dcd = 'trj/rmsfit_1opa_salt_ewald_shake_10ang_prod.dcd'),
outputfiles=dict(dx = '*.dx', pickle = '*.pickle'),
variables=dict(normalize = True, ...))
F = job.filenames # use F[key] to reference filenames from inputfiles or outputfiles
V = job.variables # and V[key] for the variables
# your python script here...
print "psf: %(psf)s dcd: %(dcd)" % F
print "normalize = %(normalize)s" % V
job.cleanup() # removes stage dir, careful!
The Job class encapsulates the SGE job and allows for clean staging and unstaging.
Set up the Job:
job = Job(inputfiles=dict(...),outputfiles=dict(...),variables=dict(...),**kwargs)
inputfiles and outputfiles are dictionaries with arbitrary keys; each item is a path to a file relative to the startdir (which by default is the directory from which the SGE job starts — use the #$ -cwd flag!). If the files are not relative to the start dir then new directories are constructed under the stage dir; in this instance it uis important that the user script only uses the filenames in Job.filenames: These have the proper paths of the local (staged) files for the script to operate on.
inputfiles are copied to the stagedir on the node’s scratch dir and sub directories are created as necessary; directories mentioned as part of the outputfiles are created, too.
copies back all files mentioned in output files (again, use directories as part of the path as necessary) and create the directories in the startdir if needed. For the outputfiles one can also use shell-style glob patterns, e.g. outfiles = {'all_dcd': '*.dcd', 'last_data':'*[5-9].dat'}
Sensible defaults are automatically selected for startdir (cwd) and stagedir (/scratch/USER/JOB_NAME.JOB_ID).
If the script is not run through SGE (i.e. the environment variable JOB_NAME is not set) then the script is run without staging; this is pretty much equivalent to using
from staging.Local import Job
(i.e. using the staging.Local.Job class).
Attributes : |
Methods : |
Set up SGE job.
Arguments : |
Remove stage dir
Save the Job() as a pickled file.
Restore with
import staging.SunGridengine
import cPickle
job = cPickle.load(open(<filename>,'r'))
Copy all input files to the scratch directory.
Copy results back. Shell-style glob patterns are allowed.
Read a list of values from filename and return the line that corresponds to the current SGE_TASK_ID.
line = get_line_from_arraylist(filename=None,ENVNAME=’ARRAYLIST’,default=”arraylist.txt”)
fields will be different depending on the value of SGE_TASK_ID (set by SunGridengine). The lines are simply numbered consecutively.
Arguments : |
File format:
# comment lines are ignored as are whitespace lines
# only the first column is read; the internal numbering starts at 1
line1 ... <---- task id 1
line2 ... <---- task id 2
# more comments, they are NOT counted for the task id
line3 ... <---- task id 3
Ignores white space lines and lines starting with #. Lines are stripped of left and right white space.
Read a list of values from filename and return the line that corresponds to the current SGE_TASK_ID.
get_line_from_arraylist(filename=None,ENVNAME=’ARRAYLIST’,default=”arraylist.txt”) -> fields
fields will be different depending on the value of SGE_TASK_ID (set by SunGridengine). The lines are simply numbered consecutively.
See getline_from_arraylist() for more details.
Get field[index] of the entry in the array list corresponding to SGE_TASK_ID.
See get_fields_from_arraylist() for details.