$Id: README_gromacsified_wham.txt,v 1.2 2009/01/27 21:01:32 oliver Exp $ WHAM: An implementation of the Weighted Histogram Analysis Method. ================================================================== Alan Grossfield http://membrane.urmc.rochester.edu/Software/WHAM/WHAM.html Documentation is located in the doc/ directory, as doc.dvi and doc.pdf. If you prefer html, look at doc/doc/index.html. If you're too impatient to do that, you can build the software by saying cd wham make clean make make BIN_DIR=/path/to/bin install The energy unit defaults to kJ/mol in this installation. You can change this by editing the Makefile and setting CFLAGS = -D KCALMOL Then, run wham or wham-2d with no arguments to get a summary of the command line arguments. Good luck! Notes on the Gromacs-ified version ================================== Oliver Beckstein http://sbcb.bioch.ox.ac.uk/oliver/ I hacked Alan's wham code to cope with the output of the Gromacs (www.gromacs.org) umbrella sampling code. This code is based on Alan's wham 2.0.2 2008-04-14 (http://membrane.urmc.rochester.edu/wham/wham-release-2.0.2.tgz) The wham2d code was not modified at all. THIS gromacsified `wham' behaves differently from the one documented by Alan. The main differences are: * It can read gzipped (.gz) pdo files. * It reads files with _relative_ time series (not absolute z coordinates). THIS BREAKS COMPATIBILITY (and should become an option once I use proper opt processing). * The energy unit defaults to kJ/mol; the original used kcal/mol. * The output file format changed, a new column with the free energy in kT was added after the one in absolute energy units and before the column containing the probability * Bad hack: if the environment variable WHAM_TMIN is set then all data before WHAM_TMIN is discarded as equilibration. In the scripts directory there is pdo2meta.sh which takes Gromacs >= 3.2.1 (Umbrella file format UMBRELLA 3.0 or my custom UMBRELLA 3.2) pdo files and creates the meta data files required by this wham program. Testing ======= In the `extras/' directory you can compile the `fakepmf' program which generates data files for gromacsified wham. These data files simulate sampling on either a constant (`flat') or a step function (`step') PMF. Run `fakepmf -h' for help, then run it with your choice of options and create samples. Process the pdo.gz files with `scripts/pdo2meta.sh' to obtain a metadata input file for `wham' and run `wham' on it. You should recover the underlying PMF. Compile `wham' and `fakepmf' by just runing `make' in the appropriate directories. Then go to the top directory and set up a testing area: mkdir testing && cd testing mkdir step && cd step ../../extras/fakepmf --zeta 1.5 # create fake run over a step function PMF cd .. ../scripts/pdo2meta.sh step # prepare metadata file ../wham/wham -1 1 200 1e-5 300 0 pdo.wham free.dat # unbias fake data Look at the graph, eg xmgrace -block free.dat -bxy 1:4 This should show a nice step function at x=0 with height 1.5 kT. Notes on trouble shooting ========================= Please see FAQ.txt if you have problems.