- Gowers, R.J., Linke, M., Barnoud, J., Reddy, T., Melo, M.N., Seyler, S.L.,
Dotson, D.L., Domanski, J., Buchoux, S., Kenney, I.M., and Beckstein, O. (2016)
A Python package for the rapid analysis of molecular dynamics simulations.
In S. Benthall and S. Rostrup, editors, Proceedings of the 15th Python in
Science Conference, pages 102-109, Austin, TX. SciPy.
Google Scholar Profile
h-index: 10
total citations: 278
(citation statistics: Google Scholar, November 24, 2016)
*Equal contributions
- Koldsø, H., Reddy, T., Fowler, P., Duncan, A., and Sansom, M.S.P. (2016) Membrane Compartmentalization Reduces the Mobility of Lipids and Proteins within a Model Plasma Membrane. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 120: 8873-8881. [DOI]
- Review Reddy, T. and Sansom, M.S.P. (2016) Computational Virology: from the Inside Out. BBA - Biomembranes 1858: 1610-1618. [DOI] [citations: 4]
- Reddy, T. and Sansom, M.S.P. (2016) The Role of the Membrane in the Structure and Biophysical Robustness of the Dengue Virion Envelope. Structure 24: 375-382. [DOI] [citations: 6]
- Editorial Reddy, T. (2015) Building a complete model of the outer envelope of an influenza A virion: how can this take us forward? Future Virology. Available Online [doi: 10.2217/fvl.15.44]
- Reddy, T., Shorthouse, D., Parton, D., Jefferys, E., Fowler, P.W., Chavent, M., Baaden, M., and Sansom, M.S.P. (2015) Nothing to sneeze at: a dynamic and integrative computational model of an influenza A virion. Structure 23: 584-597. [DOI] [citations: 21]
Associated Comment Article: Risselada, H.J. (2015) Simulations Move Toward a Cure for Viral Diseases. Structure 23: 439-440. [DOI]
- Chavent, M.*, Reddy, T.*, Goose, J., Dahl, C.E., Stone, J.E., Jobard, B., and Sansom, M.S.P. (2014) Methodologies for the analysis of instantaneous lipid diffusion in MD simulations of large membrane systems. Faraday Discussions 169: 1-18. [RSC] [citations: 12]
- Reddy, T., Manrique, S., Buyan, A., Hall, B., Chetwynd, A., and Sansom, M.S.P. (2014) Primary and Secondary Dimer Interfaces of the FGFR3 Transmembrane Domain: Characterization via Multiscale Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Biochemistry 53: 323-332. [Pubmed] [citations: 10]
- Langelaan, D.N., Reddy, T., Banks, A.W., Dellaire, G., Dupre, D.J., and Rainey, J.K. (2013) Structural features of the apelin receptor N-terminal tail and first transmembrane segment implicated in ligand binding and receptor trafficking. Biochim Biophys Acta: Biomembranes. 1828: 1471-1483. [Pubmed] [citations: 13]
- Reddy, T. and Rainey, J.K. (2012) Multifaceted Substrate Capture Scheme of a Rhomboid Protease. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 116: 8942-8954. [Pubmed] [citations: 16]
- Reddy, T., Li, X., Fliegel, L., Sykes, B.D., and Rainey, J.K. (2010) Correlating structure, dynamics, and function in transmembrane segment VII of the Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 1. Biochim Biophys Acta: Biomembranes. 1798: 94-104. [Pubmed] [citations: 9]
- Review Reddy, T. and Rainey, J.K. (2010) Interpretation of biomolecular NMR spin relaxation parameters. Biochemistry and Cell Biology. 88: 131-142. [Pubmed] [citations: 18]
- Langelaan, D.N., Bebbington, E.M., Reddy, T., and Rainey, J.K. (2009) Structural insight into G-protein coupled receptor binding by apelin. Biochemistry. 48: 537-548. [Pubmed] [citations: 48]
- Reddy, T.*, Ding, J.*, Li, X., Sykes, B.D., Rainey, J.K., and Fliegel, L. (2008) Structural and Functional Characterization of Transmembrane Segment IX of the NHE1 Isoform of the Na+/H+ Exchanger. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 283: 22018-22030. [Pubmed] [PDB entry (2K3C)] [BMRB entry (15747)] [citations: 32]
- Review Baguma-Nibasheka, M., Reddy, T., Abbas-Butt, A., and Kablar, B. (2006) Fetal ocular movements and retinal cell differentiation: analysis employing DNA microarrays. Histology and histopathology. 21: 1331-1337. [Pubmed] [citations: 7]
- Reddy, T.*, Rot-Nikcevic, I.*, Downing, K.J., Belliveau, A.C., Hallgrimsson, B., Hall, B.K., and Kablar, B. (2006) Myf5-/-: MyoD-/- amyogenic fetuses reveal the importance of early contraction and static loading by striated muscle in mouse skeletogenesis. Development genes and evolution. 216: 1-9. [Pubmed] [citations: 70]
- Reddy, T. and Kablar, B. (2004) Evidence for the involvement of neurotrophins in muscle transdifferentiation and acetylcholine receptor transformation in the esophagus of Myf5-/-:MyoD-/- and NT-3-/- embryos. Developmental Dynamics. 231: 683-692. [Pubmed] [citations: 11]
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